Germany – ‘Kosovo Skills Partnership for Mobility

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Germany – ‘Kosovo Skills Partnership for Mobility’ a BMZ-funded Migration & Diaspora Programme (PMD) strengthens international cooperation and the standards of selected vocations in Kosovo. Through vocational training based on German standards carried out in Kosovo and Germany, young professionals have better employment possibilities in both countries and on return can support the “brain-gain” of Kosovo, making an enhanced use of migration pathways.

Paving the Way for Future Labour Migration: a Belgian-Tunisian Skills Mobility Partnership

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Belgium and Tunisia have implemented a skills mobility partnership: Paving the way for future labour migration. This initiative is a multidimensional cooperation framework between different stakeholders from both countries (e.g., immigration office, public employment services, employers’ associations) aimed at assessing labour market needs, streamlining procedures, selecting candidates.

AGEST - Job Fairs for Venezuelans Refugees

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Chile has set in place the AGEST Job fairs for Venezuelan refugees through which, upon invitation of the state-operated training and employment agency (SENCE), the national federation of the private sector in Chile (AGEST) conducts job fairs and streamlines job application processes to reduce the risk of refugees joining informal markets and provide options to access the formal sector

STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College operates in two locations in Vienna by nine partner networks offers around 200 places to young asylum seekers within the age group of 15- 21. It is a fast-track skills training programme that is delivered within a span of nine months, around 20 hours per week of education and mentoring focusing on German and vocational subjects. The prospective candidates are selected and enrolled after their evaluation of language skills and basic competencies in mathematics, English and IT.

Urban Partnership for the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Established under the Urban Agenda for the European Union (EU), the Urban Partnership for the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees brings together EU Member States, EU institutions, local authorities and civil society to contribute to develop integration policies related to different areas including education, the labour market and housing.

Mr. Camille Saadé

Comprehensive Plan for the Attention and Protection of the Venezuelan Population in Situation of Human Mobility 2020-2021

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Ecuador has implemented social protection programmes, regularization and integration processes, as well as plans to attend the requests for refugee status to face the Venezuelan migration phenomenon. The “Comprehensive Plan for the Attention and Protection of the Venezuelan Population in Situation of Human Mobility 2020-2021” constitutes the roadmap for actions of national institutions and the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry in relation to Venezuelan migration.

Cities ready to take in refugee children

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Solidarity Cities is an initiative on the management of the refugee crisis proposed by the Mayor of Athens and launched in the framework of the EUROCITIES network. It aims to constitute the framework under which all cities actions and initiatives are presented highlighting the political leadership of cities in addressing this challenge.

Reception and Integration System (SAI)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Italy, the System for the Protection of Refugees and Unaccompanied Minors (SIPROMI) is a publicly funded network of local authorities and NGOs, which accommodates unaccompanied children and provides them access to the Italian social protection system, including legal support, legal guardianship, access to health, including psychological counselling, access to Italian language classes and to mainstream education programmes. In some contexts, opportunities for vocational training and job opportunities through partnerships with social cooperatives and the private sector.

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