GFMD Summits

The GFMD dialogue culminates in the organization of Summits. The Forum has hosted Summits on a regular basis since its establishment in 2007. The rotating GFMD Chair in office proposes the themes to be discussed within the Forum for the duration of its term. Topics are chosen through a broad consultative process with other Member States and stakeholders. This approach ensures that the dialogue on migration and development can evolve flexibly over time based on Member States priorities, maintaining the engagement of stakeholders and bringing expertise from State and non-State actors. Each Chair brings its own distinctive and innovative elements to the dialogue within the Forum. The Forum is organized around a set of key activities:

The Summit preparatory process

The preparatory process includes meetings and consultations in the lead up to the final Summit, such as preparatory meetings of the GFMD supporting structures (Troika, Steering Group, Friends of the Forum), Roundtable Team Consultations and Thematic Workshops (optional). 

Preparatory meetings help set the agenda and engage states and observers around the thematic priorities at the centre of the program. Roundtable Team Consultations allow governments and other stakeholders to exchange views on the thematic priorities building the dialogue in preparation of the Summit, capturing the scope of the discussions in background papers with the aim of getting to the Summit with a solid basis for a constructive dialogue. In 2024, under the Colombia GFMD Chair, new modalities to refresh the dialogue space and create more opportunities for interaction within it are being considered. 

Thematic Workshops may be organized in addition to preparatory meetings and roundtable consultations to offer additional opportunities for in-depth discussions and/or promote regional engagement on the topics at the centre of the debate. Thematic workshops may be hosted by GFMD observers in partnership with the Chair.

GFMD Summit 

The GFMD Summit is usually hosted by the Chair in their home country. However, during the Chair of France the 14th GFMD Summit (2024) took place in Geneva. 

GFMD Summits are inter-governmental dialogues among all UN Member States and GFMD Observers. Participants include high-level policy makers, technical experts and practitioners who engage in informal discussions on topics at the core of the migration debate with the aim of articulating the multiple and significant connections between migration and development across a broad variety of policy areas.

Over the years, the GFMD Summits have also expanded to provide opportunities for multi- stakeholder participation, including civil society, private sector, mayors, local/regional governments, youth and academia. This inclusive approach ensures a dynamic dialogue and the exchange of multiple perspectives on contemporary migration debates with a 360 degree approach.