The GFMD and the Global Compact on Migration

GCM LogoGeneral Assembly Resolution 73/195 acknowledges the GFMD as a process that paved the way for the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, through which Member States committed to elaborate a Global Compact for Refugees and a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Operative Paragraph 3).

The inter-governmentally negotiated outcome of the GCM recognizes the GFMD as an important platform to facilitate the exchange experiences on the implementation of the GCM, share good policies and practices on cooperation, promote innovative approaches, and foster multi-stakeholder partnerships around specific policy issues (OP 47).

The GFMD is invited to provide a space for annual informal exchange on the implementation of the Compact and report findings, best practices and innovative approaches to the International Migration Review Forum (OP 51).

In addition, the GFMD Platform for Partnerships (PfP) is acknowledged as a building block of the global knowledge platform envisioned as one of the three elements of the proposed UN capacity-building mechanism (CBM).

The modalities Resolution of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), adopted by the General Assembly on 19 July 2019, invites the GFMD, including its civil society, business and mayors mechanisms, to provide a space for informal exchanges on the implementation of the Global Compact, and report the findings, best practices and innovative approaches to the forums.

Flexible Engagement Modalities 

The GFMD comprises Member States that have not adopted the GCM as well as GCM Champion countries. To respect the different perspectives of its large and diverse constituency, the GFMD Chairs that have taken office after the adoption of the GCM have engaged flexibly through a range of activities to allow committed stakeholders to bring the outcomes of the Forum to support the GCM implementation.

The GFMD Ecuador 2019 Chair and GFMD UAE 2020 Chair both hosted a dedicated dialogue on the GCM back-to-back with their respective Summits. In the GFMD Interim period (February 2021-June 2022), the GFMD Steering Group formed a dedicated sub-committee to develop a report for the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF). The GFMD France Chair (2022-2023) established a dedicated multi-stakeholder Rapporteur Team to bring the outcomes of the GFMD 14th Summit to the 5th Annual Meeting of the UN Migration Network held in Geneva immediately after the Summit. 

GFMD Dialogues on the GCM

· 1st Dialogue on the GCM (14 Nov 2016, New York)
· 2nd Dialogue on the GCM (2 Feb 2017, Geneva)
· 3rd Dialogue on the GCM (6 April 2017, Geneva)
    · GFMD Dialogue on the GCM Implementation (4 Sept, 2018)

GFMD Thematic Workshops

· Workshop on Climate Change & Human Mobility (24 May 2017, Rabat)
· Thematic Workshop on the GFMD contribution to the GCM (6 Sept 2017, Vienna)
· Stocktaking Workshop on GCM (19 Sept 2017, Vienna)
· Workshop on Children and Youth on the Move: Implementing Sustainable Solutions (21-22 June 2018, Agadir)
· Workshop on Labor Migration and Skills (3 May 2018, Geneva)

10th GFMD Summit in Berlin (28-30 June 2017, Berlin)

· Roundtables framed according to the migration-related SDGs and GCM themes
· GCM Rapporteurs evaluated the debates to draw inputs for the GFMD’s contribution to the GCM

Ad hoc Working Group on the 2030 Agenda and the GCM