Sin Palabras

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Sin Palabras is a multicultural Artist Collective gathered since 2013, dedicated to give theater and art workshops of introspection and self discovery to vulnerable communities in different countries. They seek results that are tangible evidence of the participants experiences and that they can be shared to create awareness before the ears that do not want to hear. Sin Palabras aspires to be a catalyst for the psychosocial development of those who take the workshop.

GCM National Implementation Plan, Portugal

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Portugal was (one of) the first countries in the world to approve its National Plan to implement the Global Compact on Migration. The National Implementation Plan is structured around the following 5 fundamental axes: 

• Promotion of safe, orderly and regular migration; 

• Improvement of migration flow organization and integrated border management processes; 

• Promotion and qualification of immigrant reception and integration mechanisms;

• Supporting the connection of migrants to their country of origin and their return projects; 

Call to Local Action

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Formally launched in the Word Urban Forum in 2019, the GFMD provided the opportunity to further discuss and follow-up on the Call to Local Action to implement the Global Compacts for Migration (GCM) and Refugees (GCR). Following the Marrakesh Mayors Declaration, which was signed by over 60 LRAs in December 2018, the Call to Local Action calls on LRAs to pledge specific actions that contribute to the implementation of the Migration and Refugee Compacts.

Migra Empresas

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Municipality of La Pintana, Chile, has kick-started a project working with local businesses called ‘Migra Empresas’, which seeks to bring job offers to migrants and where the city administration provides legal and technical assistance to companies.  This program is part of La Pintana's commitment to work in five areas to make the commune an intercultural territory, inclusive and free of discrimination:

1- Institutionality that addresses the migrant reality.

2- Education and training plans for municipal personnel in this matter.

Mannheim 2030

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Recognizing the important role of cities in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the City of Mannheim has developed the “Mannheim 2030” Mission Statement to put into practce the 17 UN sustainability goals. The Mission Statement was developed through a large-scale public participation process, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Engagement Global's Service Agency Communities in One World. The Migration Advisory Board was part of this participatory process.

Supporting host communities for refugees and migrants from Venezuela in the border regions of Colombia and Ecuador

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this programme implemented by GIZ supports government institutions, local governments and civil society in the border regions of Colombia with Venezuela and Ecuador with Colombia to better respond to the flow of refugees and migrants from Venezuela and, in the case of Ecuador, also Colombian refugees. The project supports host communities in the integration of refugees and migrants.


Norway Integration Strategy

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The reinforced integration effort is one of the Government’s six main areas of commitment. The main challenges are low employment rates among immigrants, a skills gap, and exclusion along economic, social and cultural dividing lines. The goal of the strategy is, through a coordinated and comprehensive effort, to increase labour participation and participation in society in general,.

Migra Movil

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on


The "migra movil" is a fully equipped bus supported by the Government of Costa Rica and the IOM to train personnel in charge of immigrant services that brings information and services to citizens living far from the capital, but also to vulnerable migrants in border areas.

Ambulante Film Festival

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Ambulante Film Festival uses documentary film as a tool for social and cultural change. Ambulante brings documentary films and training programs to places where they are rarely available in order to foster a cultural exchange, encourage a participative, informed and critical attitude in audiences, and open new channels of expression in Mexico and abroad. For the past 15 years they have been producing and showcasing stories about migrants, their families and communities.


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Initially a citizen movement, SINGA creates opportunities for refugees and their host communities to meet and cooperate. Their aim is to build bridges between people, encouraging dialogue, fostering cultural enrichment and creating job opportunities. 

SINGA seeks to create opportunities for in-person interaction and dialogue between refugees and host community members to change perceptions about refugees and asylum seekers. 

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