Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) Initiative: Promoting Migrant and Refugee Integration Through a City-Led Podcast

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Montréal deepens its commitment to implement the Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) initiative, first pledged to the Call to Local Action in 2022, by launching a podcast - “Biais d’Entrée” (Entry Bias). The podcast aims to support Montréal companies in developing effective welcoming strategies for migrants and refugees and making their companies more diverse and inclusive.

Welcoming Salt Lake: Government and Community Leadership Biannual Convening in Welcoming Week

The Welcoming Salt Lake Plan – drafted in 2016 – is a community-derived plan, which directs the County’s strategy to facilitate and accelerate immigrant inclusion in civic, economic, and social aspects of life and ensures New Americans are engaged, respected, and have opportunities to reach their fullest potential.

Ms. Anqi ZHANG

Empowering Migrants and Refugees by Offering Inclusive Portuguese Language Courses and Promoting Intercultural Sialogue in São Leopoldo

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

São Leopoldo commits to implement "Teaching Portuguese as a Host Language” (PLAc, in Portuguese), a course designed for migrants and refugees to facilitate their knowledge of the Portuguese language and foster an understanding of the Brazilian culture.

Facilitating Dual Nationality, Preventing Statelessness, and Promoting Inclusion for Foreign-Born Children and their Families in the State of Tlaxcala

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The State of Tlaxcala commits to ensure effective access to the right to identify for individuals born abroad through the elimination of the requirement to present an apostilled foreign birth certificate in order to obtain dual nationality.

Eurocities’ Integrating Cities Process: A Framework for Building Capacity on Migration and Integration

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Eurocities commits to deliver its "Integrating Cities Process"; securing commitments form European cities to integrate migrants and refugees and conducting an assessment of those commitments every two years.

The Integrating Cities Process is Eurocities’ framework for our work on migration and integration. Local authorities are part of the Process through their pledges on the Integrating Cities Charter.

Expanding Welcoming Week Across the Globe and Fostering Belonging for All - No Matter Where We Come From

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Welcoming America commits to deliver its annual Welcoming Week campaign and to expand that campaign in 2024. Welcoming Week provides institutions and individuals the opportunity to showcase their values through initiatives that foster connections between migrants and non-migrants, as well as belonging for all.

Strengthening Maipú’s Governance Capacity to Promote Social Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Maipú Municipality commits to strengthen its local capacity to govern migration and forced displacement in a way that promotes social inclusion and peaceful coexistence between migrant and refugee families and other members of the community.

Legazpi City: Expanded Help Desk for Overseas Filipino Workers

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Legazpi City commits to provide services to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and their families through a Municipal Help Desk and to expand the Help Desk services in 2023 to support pre-migration orientation seminars and improved access to health care.
The Municipal OFW Help Desk:
Engages with civil society and the Filipino diaspora to monitor the needs of OFWs and to map stakeholders.
Compiles information on government services and informs prospective OFWs on the processes and risks of overseas employment.

Moroccan Dialect Classes in Terrassa, Spain: Equipping Teachers with Language, Intercultural, and Anti-Racist Skills

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Terrassa commits to implement an anti-racist and intercultural educational strategy by providing language and cultural training to its primary and secondary grade teachers.

Facilitated by professionals, these courses were developed to meet the needs of Terrassa’s Moroccan population, which represents the largest foreign population (6.13% of the city's inhabitants, with a distribution of up to 40% in some neighbourhoods). The courses help teachers acquire basic language skills to improve interaction with their students of Moroccan origin and their families.

Pledge of the City of Zürich to the European Pillar of Social Rights: Ensuring access to municipal services for all

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Zürich commits to improve access to all its municipal services with a special focus on vulnerable groups. Limited access can affect people with disabilities, older people, people experiencing poverty, refugees or migrants, for example. Among those, migrants with irregular status are particularly vulnerable. In this vein, Zurich commits to:

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