Labor Rights Protection for Salvadoran Immigrants in the United States of America

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

On August 29, 2011, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador and the Occupational Health and Security Administration of the US Department of Labor signed a memorandum of understanding in Washington, D.C., which recognized the joint commitment of both nations in the labor rights protection of Salvadoran immigrant workers.

Information System on International Labour Standards (NORMLEX)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

NORMLEX is a new information system which brings together information on International Labour Standards (such as ratification information, reporting requirements, comments of the ILO's supervisory bodies, etc.) as well as national labour and social security laws.
NORMLEX has been designed to provide comprehensive and user friendly information on these topics and includes the NATLEX database as well as the information which was previously contained in the former APPLIS, ILOLEX and Libsynd databases.

Citizenship and immigration Act, 2011, Employment Act, 2007 and Labour Institutions Act. Regulations

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

To facilitate legal channels of migration, Kenya passed the Citizenship and immigration Act, 2011, the Employment Act, 2007 and the Labour Institutions Act. Regulations governing private recruitment agencies require recruitment agencies to charge from their principals a service fee to cover services rendered in the recruitment, documentation and placement of workers so that the migrant workers are not burdened with this cost.

Labour license for foreigners coming to Russia in a visa-free regime

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In January 2015, work permits and quotas for work permits for foreign nationals from visa-free countries were cancelled, and replaced with a visa-free system that requires these employees to obtain licenses before they take up employment with companies, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers or notaries. The benefits for employers of this new licensing system are significant reductions in the bureaucracy involved in issuing work permit quotas to foreign workers, as well as in the number of irregular migrants.

National Employment Agency

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Regarding the recognition of skills and qualifications, in partnership with the Swedish National Employment Agency, Moldova is consolidating its own National Employment Agency with the use of the latest tools and information technology, such as e-job fairs. An internship portal has recently been launched which motivates young Moldovans to return back home even for short periods of time. Moldova is undergoing projects on supporting migrants’ employment and skills recognition at the regional level.

Seasonal Worker Programme

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Seasonal Worker Program aims to contribute to Pacific islands’ and Timor-Leste’s economic development objectives while assisting Australian employers who cannot source local labour.  Citizens of Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are able to participate in the programme.   

Labour market assessment and industry consultations

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Australia’s immigration system has evolved to place emphasis on employer-sponsored, demand driven migration developed through broad consultations and programs with a wide range of stakeholders. A cornerstone of its migration program is labour market assessment (through the use of independent and accredited bodies with specialized knowledge of particular occupations), as well as consultations with the industry and the wider public through blogs, discussion papers and surveys.

Vivir la Integración (Living the Integration) Program

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Despite having the same labour rights as Costa Rican citizens, migrants and refugees encounter barriers to a decent job. The program Vivir la Integración (Living the Integration) is thus developed to encourage companies to establish corporate social responsibility programs that  support the integration of refugees and those applying for refugee status.

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