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DIASDEV is a joint project initiated by the French Development Agency and the Caisse des Dépôts from France, Italy, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia and carried out in partnership with public-sector financial institutions in 2021. 

DIASDEV aims to increase diasporas’ capacity to mobilize their savings for investing in their countries of origin. To achieve this goal, the project is structured around two pillars: 

i) Facilitation fund for diasporas’ investments, offering funding for technical and financial assistance to financial operators, banks, post offices 

Piloting digital learning on agri-food business and environmental informatics in Ethiopia

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Ethiopia is highly dependent on agriculture for its economy, as well as for the day-to-day subsistence of its citizens. Wollo University in Dessie has been one of the most ambitious in the country in testing learning solutions around agriculture and implementing projects aimed to prepare its graduates for the job market in key sectors, including agriculture.

Migrants4Climate (M4C) Award

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The Migrants4Climate (M4C) Award 2023 was launched in 2022 at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Egypt. 

It has been organized by the GFMD 2022-2023 French Chair, the Ghanaian Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This Award aims to give visibility to initiatives led by or - inclusive of and targeting - migrants and diaspora and features a strong engagement in climate action and environmental sustainability.  

Virtual Museum of Caribbean Migration and Memory

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The design for the Virtual Museum of Caribbean Migration and Memory (VMCMM) began in 2017 as part of the EU-LAC Museums Horizons 2020 project. The virtual museum was paired with a complementary physical exhibition, The Enigma of Arrival: The Politics and Poetics of Caribbean Migration to Britain, designed by the Barbados Museum & Historical Society and The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus.

Integrating Migration into National Development Plans: Towards Policy Coherence and the Achievement of SDGs at National and Global Levels

In 2018, the IOM launched the project "Integrating Migration into National Development Plans: Towards Policy Coherence and the Achievement of SDGs at National and Global Levels", funded by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund of the Peace and Development Fund, of which the People’s Republic of China is a major contributor.

Costanza Bindi

The Future Forum

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The Future Forum is an opportunity to look ahead, sharing practices and ideas for how to maximise the potential of diaspora engagement for development in the years ahead.

It was indeed designed in response to calls from diaspora organisations in Europe to have more opportunities to communicate with each other, as well as with the European institutions, countries of heritage and international organisations.

EUDiF Diaspora Youth Internship

As part of the efforts to mainstream diaspora expertise in development, the European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) runs an internship programme for self-identifying diaspora youth based in Europe, with heritage in the partner regions Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific.

Costanza Bindi

Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Consulate Protection and Assistance

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Adopted by China’s State Council in late June 2023, the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Consulate Protection and Assistance took effect on September 1. 

The Regulations consist of 27 articles, mainly specifying the responsibilities of various parties (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), diplomatic institutions abroad, relevant departments of the State Council, and local governments) in providing consular protection and assistance, including guidance and coordination, safety prevention, and support.

Streamlining Diaspora Engagement to Catalyze Private Investments and Entrepreneurship for Enhanced Resilience (SDE4R) project

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Union Commission (AUC have signed an agreement for $3.9 million in grant financing to strengthen investment, human capital and philanthropic engagement from the diaspora in eight African countries.  

TADY - TAntsoroka ho an’ny Diaspora

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The TADY project started in June 2023 funded by the French Development Agency (AFD). 

It aims to structure public policies for the Malagasy diaspora, by strengthening the institutional framework and developing local cultural and economic capital. In particular, it creates conditions conducive to diaspora mobilisation for the socioeconomic development of Madagascar. This project is based on three main objectives:

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