Returning Nationals Secretariat

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis has a Returning Nationals Secretariat, which offers assistance and services to returnees such as help finding jobs, locating housing and getting access to other social services. They also offer guidance and essential information, assistance navigating the relocation bureaucracy and counselling where necessary. 

Nationals who have lived abroad for at least ten years qualify for certain tax exemptions upon returning.

International Citizen Service

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The International Citizen Service is a “one-stop-shop” that offers services to migrant workers, job-seekers and their families. It offers help with paperwork, personal career guidance, useful information about living and working conditions in Denmark, and authorization and approval of professional qualifications for regulated professions. 

Citizen Information Centers (Medborgarkontor)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Local authorities provide various integration services for immigrants, including language training (SFI - Swedish for immigrants) and provide legal aid. Some local authorities also run medborgarkontor (citizen information centers) in areas with high numbers of migrants, which provide individual assistance to migrants on how to navigate local bureaucracies, apply for benefits and find housing.

The African Migration Project

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Africa Migration Project was undertaken to improve our understanding of migration and remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa, including their magnitude, causes, and impacts on poverty reduction, with a view to generating informed policy recommendations. 

Global Health Workforce Alliance

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The UK aims to support robust health systems with human resource planning to mobilize funds for training, maintenance, retention and a better distribution of the health workforce to serve those in the greatest needs in low-income countries. For example, programs that include women for health in Northern Nigeria, which is training 7000 girls and women to become health workers and supporting the government of Pakistan in training 100.000 lady health workers, bringing health services to remote rural and poor communities to around 80 million people.

National Literacy Program

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This program intends to create concrete links between the country and the diaspora. The community which is organized outside the country is involved in a program of reading, writing, through volunteers who come from outside the country. They come to El Salvador to teach the communities in which they usually live to read and write. ne of the primary goals of the Literacy Program is to reduce the level of illiteracy from a rate of 18% in 2009 to 4% by 2014. This would put El Salvador on par with Costa Rica as having one the highest literacy rates in Central America. 

Basic education and healthcare

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

On education, the government accords basic education in the same manner that Thai children are accorded. And this considering that there are about 60 thousand new born migrant labor in Thailand per year. The children of migrant labor also have access to specifically designed schools for them in their language. In terms of health, Thailand has the universal health coverage system which could be presented as an opportunity to improve the performance of health system services to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment.

Allowing university students to work

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The General Directorate of Migration Management provides rights for migrants. Turkey has granted the right to work to foreigner students on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs. There is a promotion of courses, distance learning and other means of learning related to access to education services as well as other services for all king of foreigners. As you all know Turkey has been suffering of a mass influx from Syria and has built some camps and some centers for Syrians fleeing from their country under temporary protection regime. 

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