Transnational Rights (pensions and social security)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Ecuador has signed bilateral social security agreements with Chile, Colombia, Spain and Uruguay, as well as Multilateral and Ibero-American conventions on Social Security. Furthermore, the Ecuadorian State has commitments and obligations in this area, product of Community directives for the Andean Community of Nations (CAN).

Senescyt Scholarships to study in Ecuador and abroad

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Ecuadorian government recognizes the importance of quality education that is accessible for all, as well as the importance of human capital in the development of a country. As established in article 26 of the Ecuadorian Constitution, education is a fundamental right that must be given and guaranteed by the national government.

Program “Healthy Ecuador, I am back for you”

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In recent years, the Ecuadorian government has had an agenda with focus on the return of intellectuals and highly trained nationals who emigrated in search of better opportunities, often driven by economic incentives and hence contributing to the country’s “brain drain”. One of the policies that is being implemented in order to facilitate the repatriation of national professionals is the program “Healthy Ecuador, I am back for you”; it seeks to promote the voluntary return of Ecuadorian doctors and specialists of the health sector living abroad.

Interrelations between public policies, migration and development in Costa Rica

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In January 2013, the OECD launched a project on the Interrelations between public policies, migration and development, which aims at enhancing the capacity of the project’s ten partner countries in incorporating migration into the design and implementation of their development strategies through case studies. The project seeks to better understand how international migration affects non-migration related public policies, and conversely, how these policies affect migration.

Diaspora Engagement in Economic Development (DEED)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The DEED project aims to increase opportunities for Kosovars living abroad to participate in the economic development of Kosovo by facilitating job and enterprise creation through investment and channelling of remittances away from pure consumption, in particular by: i) increasing literacy for financial services of remittance-receiving households and increase access to finance in a gender-sensitive manner; ii) identifying and introducing models and mechanisms that facilitate migrants’ investments and savings in Kosovo; iii) offering technical support for Kosovo authorities in order to draft

Cash and Compassion – The Role of the Somali Diaspora in Relief, Development and Peace Building

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Based on original research conducted in Somaliland, Puntland and South/Central Somalia, as well as in multiple cities (mainly Dubai, London, Minneapolis, Nairobi, Oslo, Toronto) with a high concentration of Somali diaspora members, this report examines the motivations of diaspora support, the factors that influence it, the means and mechanisms by which it is mobilized and transferred to Somalia and the ways in which local Somali actors put the support they receive to use.

Accompanying program of business creation by Moroccans residing in France

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The general objective is to support productive investments of Moroccans investors living in France with i) a dedicated support mechanism for Moroccans entrepreneurs based in France and in Morocco ii) activities with public institutions to improve the investment environment for Moroccans residing abroad
1. Strengthen capacities of a dedicated unit for the coordination of economic initiatives of Moroccans residing abroad within the MCMREAM.

Diaspora Business Forum (1st edition / 2014)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

On the 6th – 7th October 2014, the Diaspora Relations Bureau in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) organized the 1st edition of the Diaspora Business Forum, under the aegis of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.
The general objectives where to improve the business-enabling environment at the national level by organizing an event and follow-up platform for effective dialogue between the diaspora business community and Government, as well as facilitating information-sharing with potential investors.

Public-private partnership to support migrant / Entrepreneurship and job creation for the diaspora with a focus on Small and Medium Enterprises

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Ministry of Health is working closely with foreigners in the following areas:
- Occupational medicine: Ambatovy QMM: staffing materials and medical equipment, services (medical and surgical consultation, screening), Community Health, health education (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Waste Management)-
- Humanitarian mission :
Chinese medical mission with the MoU between the Chinese Government and the Government Malagasy: Intervention areas: Mahitsy, Vatomandry, Ambovombe, Sambava.

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