Welcoming San José Plan 2.0: Moving toward Civic, Economic, Linguistic, and Social Inclusion 2021-2024

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
The Welcoming San José Plan is a community-derived set of 23 strategies across four core pillars which aim to facilitate and accelerate immigrant inclusion in civic, economic, linguistic, and social aspects of life in San José and ensure that immigrants and refugees are engaged, respected, and have opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
The Four Pillars of the Welcoming San José Plan are:

Green Jobs and Just Transition project

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
As a follow-up to the pilot on the equity impact of job growth tied to green investments realized with C40 Cities in 2021, the City of Milan will launch a second phase of the project aiming to develop a flagship programme on public housing retrofits and construction. This will help the city to move from data collection and analysis to policy making, delivering equitably distributed green jobs through climate action implementation. The flagship programme will indeed:

Supporting pastoralism and livestock mobility to foster social cohesion and improved biodiversity, livestock farming, and access

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Haho commits to strengthening the integration and social cohesion of migrant, displaced, and marginalized communities within the city. Haho attracts many ethnic groups from surrounding rural areas, which sometimes leads to social tension and violence within the city. To address these tensions, Haho’s project activities are grouped into two components.

Center for the Local Integration of Migrants

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
The Local Integration Center for Migrants functions as a one-stop center that centralizes the services offered by the District of Barranquilla, the national level and international cooperation partners for the comprehensive care of the migrant, refugee, stateless and returnee population, mainly from Venezuela.

Labor Registration Program

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Labour Market Regulatory Authority launched the Labour Registration Program, in partnership with the private sector through Labour Registration Centres with the aim of providing a safe and balanced-work environment that preserves the rights of all parties and the society, enhancing the efforts to eliminate irregular workers and linking work permits to vocational standards and qualifications.

Wages Protection System

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The Wages Protection System is a system that enables the LMRA - as a licensing body - to know the extent of the commitment of private sector enterprises to pay wages as agreed and on time through financial transfers through the service providing banks and financial institutions that are approved by the Central Bank of Bahrain.

Optional Insurance System for Domestic Workers

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Labour Market Regulatory Authority launched the optional insurance for domestic workers, which covers cases of absence from work in violation of work permit terms, or unjust dismissal, compensation in case of injury, disability or death and repatriation costs. The insurance is available to employers who recruit domestic workers directly or through licensed employment offices acting as intermediaries.

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