Migrant Rights Database

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Migrants Rights Database is a rigorous empirical account of laws protecting the human rights of all migrants and the cross-national implementation that helps them flourish. Representing seven years of work by some 100 lawyers, the resource charts sixty-five indicators with citation to law in thirty-six countries hosting seventy percent of the world’s migrants, and it will soon be expanded to include forty-five country cases. 

Rapport d'Expertise "Les Diasporas, Actrices du Changement. La place des nouvelles générations et des femmes"

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

France has adopted a Migration and Development Action Plan for the period 2018-2022, which recognises the role of diasporas in France and undertakes to support initiatives aimed at developing cooperation and solidarity between territories of origin and destination.
While the numerous studies on the financial transfers of migrants to Southern countries and the dynamism of diasporas in Northern countries confirm the importance of these issues, they still need to be better documented with regard to young people and women.

CLIMB Database

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The CLIMB Database on Human Mobility in the Context of Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation (UNNM, 2023), compiles over 1578 national policy instruments in 172 countries and over 230 bilateral and/or regional policy instruments between 140s and 2022 across sectors of human mobility, disasters, climate change and sustainable development. This database shows the increasingly higher extent of references and provisions to the distinct dimensions of human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change, and environmental degradation in existing and diverse policies.

Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund 

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Established by the UN Network on Migration in May 2019, the Fund is governed by a diverse and inclusive Steering Committee and administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

Committed to safe, orderly, and regular migration, the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports the adoption and implementation of the Global Compact for Migration to encourage the uptake of migration approaches that benefit communities of origin, transit, and destination, as well as migrants. 

Buenos Aires Nosotras Conectadas Programme: Creating Economic Opportunities for Women Migrants and Refugees in the Technology Sector

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The City of Buenos Aires commits to coordinate the initiative Nosotras Conectadas (We Connected): a collaboration between the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, UNHCR, and the L'Oreal Foundation. The initiative aims to promote employment of women migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless individuals, and others with international protection needs, in the digital technology sector.

ANVITA’s Annual “Guide for A Welcoming France”: Providing Advocacy Tools and Policy Guidance for Local Governments

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

ANVITA commits to publish an annual guide entitled "For a Welcoming France: Inspiring Territorial Practices" to highlight inspirational practices of local and regional governments that unconditionally welcome migrants and refugees. 

Risk Models Disaster Displacement

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

A number of UN agencies and partners established a Joint Programme funded under the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) to improve regional and national migration governance in the context of the adverse impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. To enhance this governance, evidence is key. The Joint Programme has therefore supported these studies. Among the sudden onset hazards that are relevant in determining such displacement figures in the IGAD region, floods and cyclones play an important role.

PA'LANTE: A Comprehensive Approach to Achieve Socio-economic, Cultural and Urban Integration of Migrant and Refugee Families in Barranquilla

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Barranquilla commits to implement the PA'LANTE project from June 2023-December 2024 to support 500 migrant and refugee families with a comprehensive service approach to support their socioeconomic, cultural, and urban integration.

The Language Services Collaborative Initiative of Salt Lake County: A Pathway to Ensure Equitable Access to Services for All Residents

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Salt Lake County commits to enhance access to services for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Residents through a ‘Language Services Collaborative Initiative’.
The Utah Department of Health has shown that the estimated population of LEP Residents within the county exceeds 200.000, of which 33% state that they speak English less than “very well.” This lack of English proficiency puts these residents at risk to be underserved by county services.

Subscribe to Objective 1: Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies