3x1 Remittance Programme

The Program 3x1 (“Programa 3x1 para migrantes”) supports Mexicans living abroad to develop social infrastructure and productive projects in their hometown communities, with the participation of the federal, state and local government. The Program 3x1 for migrants is the federal government's answer for supporting migrant desire of improving their hometowns through the development of community social and productive projects. Adding the participation of the state and local government and hometown associations.

Mr. Camille Saadé

E-Learning for Consular Staff

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

IOM, in collaboration with foreign services of various of its Member States, has developed an E-Learning course on “Improving assistance to nationals affected by crises abroad” to enhance the ability of relevant personnel to manage crises that may affect nationals living, working or travelling abroad. Strengthening these institutions’ preparedness to crises is essential to ensure that they can cope with the intense demand of assistance by their nationals in the event of a crisis.

Programme Migration & Diaspora (PMD)

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The PMD programme is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supports key actors in making more effective use of regular migration and diaspora engagement to achieve their development goals. Guided by the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), the program is implemented by GIZ in up to 25 partner countries and focuses on the following three components:


European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDif)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Summary: The EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) is a pilot project funded by the European Union’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) under the Development Cooperation Instrument. It runs from June 2019 until the end of 2023 and is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Initially a citizen movement, SINGA creates opportunities for refugees and their host communities to meet and cooperate. Their aim is to build bridges between people, encouraging dialogue, fostering cultural enrichment and creating job opportunities. 

SINGA seeks to create opportunities for in-person interaction and dialogue between refugees and host community members to change perceptions about refugees and asylum seekers. 

Comprehensive and Sustainable Strategy for the Protection and Integration of Migrants

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on

Considering the need to guarantee the protection and integration of people in mobility contexts, Mexico proposes a “Comprehensive and Sustainable Strategy for the Protection and Integration of Migrants" through actions with differentiated criteria that facilitate their integration.

This Strategy has a mechanism for the monitoring and follow-up of actions and programs, in order to guarantee the protection and integration of this population.

The policy seeks to "make migrants active participants in economic, social and cultural life while protecting their cultural identity."

The 2030 National Development Strategy

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on


The 2030 National Development Strategy of Dominican Republic, recognizes that migration, both in terms of migration flows and immigration flows, has important implications for the country. Although the national strategy paper recognizes the positive contribution that migration can make to development, it focuses primarily on the challenges posed by migration and especially immigration, such as the lack of education of Dominican migrants and unskilled labor.

Municipal Council of Immigrants

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In the City of São Paulo, the "Municipal Council of Immigrants" allows immigrant residents to participate in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the city's policies. 

The Municipal Council of Immigrants was created by Municipal Law 16.478/2016. Its members are of 22 different nationalities and were officially invested in last August to serve the 2018-2020 term. The Council is linked to the Municipal Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship.

Subscribe to Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries