"Albinfo.ch" – the website of the Albanian-speaking diaspora in Switzerland

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The mission of the interactive media platform albinfo.ch is twofold:

a) Active Citizenship and harmonious integration of people and ethnic Albanian populations in Switzerland

The purpose of albinfo.ch is to be used as a communication tool through free and convenient access to quality non-partisan information and services.

Supporting the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership and extending to Transnistria

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The Joint Statement on the Republic of Moldova-EU Mobility Partnership was signed on 5 June, 2008 in Luxembourg.The Mobility Partnership offers a political framework for cooperation with the EU (European External Action Service, European Commission, European Training Foundation - ETF and European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders - FRONTEX) and the EU Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary) in the field of migration, targeting

Diaspora Innovative Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Initiated in June 2014, the project "Innovative Diaspora of the Republic of Moldova" (INDP) is a flagship initiative coordinated by the Moldovan Technology Transfer Network (MTTN) in cooperation with Entranse Moldova. INDP Initiative aims to assist  residents of the  Soroca Business Incubator (IAS) to improve the services and products provided by them by creating and supporting sustainable partnerships between residents IAS and highly skilled diaspora of Moldova (successful entrepreneurs).


Moldovan Diaspora Congress

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Diaspora Congress is a platform held every two years in order to strengthen communication between the government and the diaspora. The Congress focuses on multilateral discussions between government officials and representatives of the diaspora regarding the diaspora's policies and the impact of migration on the economic, social, academic and political situation in the country.

The Congress, organized by the Bureau of Inter-Ethnic Relations in partnership with IOM, brings together Moldovans living abroad with government ministers, the President and the Prime Minister. 

Diaspora Days

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Developed by the Bureau for Relations with the Diasporas, the Diaspora Days are aimed at promoting tourism, cultural and economic dialogue, mobilizing diaspora associations and civil society for joint actions to contribute to sustainable development and promoting Moldova internationally.

The organization of events dedicated to Diaspora Days is a perfect occasion to attract migrants and to get them interested in developing local infrastructure, creating services for children and the elderly, launching businesses.

Collaboration between the USAID East Africa Trade and Investment Hub and the Diaspora Investment Alliance (DIA)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The USAID East Africa Trade and Investment Hub (the Hub) helps to facilitate East African Community (EAC) investment and technology adoption. The project connects investors with investees and builds awareness of opportunities for African and U.S. firms to increase trade and expand business partnerships, particularly under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Japan's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Through this plan, the Government of Japan aims to cultivate the power of women as the greatest potential for the growth of the Japanese economy, and further strengthen cooperation with the international community as well as assistance to developing countries with the belief that creating "a society in which women shine" will bring vigor to the world.                                                                                                  

Migration as a Facilitator for inclusive human development

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The local authorities of Upala, in Costa Rica, have a key role in managing unique local migratory contexts. Upala is an immigration and transit zone at the border with Nicaragua, home to many Nicaraguan migrants in search of employment opportunities, access to social services and better living conditions or workplace of many Nicaraguans who cross the border each day to make a living, thus living in a ´cross border´context.

Subscribe to Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries