Center for Migrant Support in the Country of Origin (CAMPO)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

CAMPO started as a project in the area of migration that promoted regular mobility between Cape Verde and the European Union (EU): Strengthening the capacity of Cape Verde to manage labour and return migration within the Framework of the Mobility Partnership EU/CV. It provides free counseling services to Cape-Verdean citizens willing to migrate to the EU. It also provided reintegration information to EU retuning Cape Verdean migrants.

BALIK Scientist Program (BSP)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) was established in 1975 to encourage overseas Filipino scientists, professionals and technicians to return or reside in the Philippines, and share their expertise in order to accelerate the scientific, agro-industrial and economic development of the country.

National Reintegration Centre for Overseas Filipino Workers

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The OFW Reintegration Program (OFW-RP) is a special loan program of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) in partnership with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LandBank).  It is intended to support enterprises development among OFWs and their families.

Blue Birds Pilot Program on Circular Migration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Netherlands’ pilot on circular migration will give about 160 migrants, all professionals with vocational training, an opportunity to gain working experience for a period of two years in Dutch companies. They are employed in regular vacancies in sectors where there are shortages in the Dutch labor market. The training will be based on a personal development plan, focusing on return. Upon return in their home countries the migrants will be assisted in finding a (better) job, starting up their own business and investing their remittances.

Returning Experts Programme

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Returning Experts Programme supports the professional integration of university graduates and experienced experts from developing, emerging and transition countries, who have completed their training in Germany and are interested in returning to their countries of origin. The focus is on placing professionals in areas of particular relevance to development policy. In addition to placement and advisory services, the programme offers financial support to experts interested in returning to their own countries.

Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) programme enables the Diaspora of the targeted countries to contribute to the reconstruction and development of countries of origin. The objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and to stimulate economic development by strengthening the institutional capacities of both public and private organisations.

Governance of Labour Migration and its Links to Development in Mali, Mauritania and Senegal

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

A project operating in Senegal, Mauritania and Mali with the support of Spain in order to maximise the development benefits of migration. The project enhances the employability of migrant workers by supporting vocational training institutions as well as improved training and employment services in countries of origin. It also promotes effective reintegration of migrants in national labour markets upon return.

Labour Governance & Migration Project (2012 - 2014)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This is a multi-country technical cooperation project to strengthen labour market governance and improve the development impact of labour migration within the Pacific. The effort is working to build capacity of governments, unions, businesses and local communities to provide return migrant workers with effective reintegration services, based on identified needs. Good practices relating to pre-departure services will also be identified and promoted.

Philippine Schools Overseas

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Philippine schools overseas (PSOs) are duly-registered educational institutions operating outside the Philippines and implementing the basic education curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd). PSOs are required to comply with the requirements and regulations of the government of the Philippines and of the host countries. A valid permit to operate from the host country is required before applying for accreditation from the Philippine DepEd.

Welcome Home Plan (Ecuador)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The "Welcome Home Plan" of Ecuador offers training in entrepreneurship and financial issues to returning migrants. The Welcome Home Plan (also known as Plan Bienvenidas a Casa) was launched by Ecuadorian Government under President Rafael Correa’s 2006 campaign to aid in the return of immigrants in a way that is “voluntary, dignified and sustainable.”

Subscribe to Objective 21: Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration