National Strategy Migrant Worker Management (2017-2021)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Thai Cabinet endorsed in October 2016 the National Strategy Migrant Worker Management B.E. 2560-2564 (2017-2021), which amongst its objectives, include the management of the importation, working condition, and the return to the country of origin of migrant labor and the improvement of migrant labor standards to become in line with international standards.

Bureau of Migration Asylum

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Bureau of Migration and Asylum (BMA) is a subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), which main attribution is control of immigration process in Moldova. The IOM collaboration with the BMA stared back in 2000s, when BMA was subordinated to the Government. The BMA underwent a series of reforms, which led to restructuring of its main attributions and subordination to the MIA.  The IOM supported BMA during this process, especially in the readmission domain and improving the irregular migrants’ conditions of stay in the Migrant Accommodation Center of the BMA.

Budapest Process

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Budapest Process is a good example of cooperation between countries of two regions; Europe and Asia. A successful process, it gathers over 50 countries and more than ten international organisations. It aims to foster dialogue and share best practices in managing migration flows in order to achieve concrete and results-oriented outcomes.

The German returnees programme "Returning to New Opportunities"

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

The German returnees programme "Returning to New Opportunities"

The German government has launched a new initiative entitled “Returning to New Opportunities”, which aims at supporting people returning to their countries of origin to reintegrate by providing economic opportunities and the chance of a new start. An additional amount of 150 million euros was committed for the program. Currently, the following countries are part of it: Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Republic Act 10801

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Philippine government, along with their partners from the civil society organizations, private institutions, and international organizations, has continuously strived to integrate gender in the migration-related legislation. This led to the recent passing of the Republic Act 10801, known as the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Law (this May 2016), a new legislation promoting gender responsive migration.

Bilateral partnership on migration between Switzerland and Nigeria

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Switzerland and Nigeria have had a successful migration partnership framework for more than 5 years. It includes return migration management as part of the framework. 

In 2011, Switzerland and Nigeria concluded a migration partnership, which is a centrepiece of their relations. Together the two States have undertaken to promote the positive aspects of migration and to fight its negative sides.

Online Portal "Returning from Germany"

Submitted by GFMD Info on

The online portal "Returning from Germany" is a best practice example in the context of voluntary return policies which will be discussed at the Roundtable 2.2. The portal informs migrants in Germany about the option of a voluntary return and existing support possibilities, facilitates pre-departure counselling and transparency and links to post-arrival and reintegration assistance.

Subscribe to Objective 21: Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration