Program "Return to Joy and strategy of communication of children migrants" (“Retorno a la Alegría y estrategia de comunicación de niñez migrante”)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In the end of 2014, after the crisis declared in Honduras due to the important migration of minors, unaccompanied minors, the Government created the Task Force for Migrant Children. It is composed by different entities, as the First Lady Office, the International Cooperation Institution, the Sub Secretary of Consulate and Migrants Issues or the Sub Secretary of Human Rights and Justice. This Task Force is based on the collaboration among institutions in the government, together with other instances of international cooperation, city councils, media, as well as the Chamber of Commerce.

Ghana's National Migration Policy (NMP)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

For the first time since independence in 1957, the Government of Ghana has formulated a National Migration Policy (NMP) to help manage its internal and international migration flows in the context of national development as well as sub-regional, regional and global interests. The Government of Ghana formally approved it in April 2015, policy which was developed with support from IOM Ghana and the IOM Development Fund (IDF).

Program “Healthy Ecuador, I am back for you”

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In recent years, the Ecuadorian government has had an agenda with focus on the return of intellectuals and highly trained nationals who emigrated in search of better opportunities, often driven by economic incentives and hence contributing to the country’s “brain drain”. One of the policies that is being implemented in order to facilitate the repatriation of national professionals is the program “Healthy Ecuador, I am back for you”; it seeks to promote the voluntary return of Ecuadorian doctors and specialists of the health sector living abroad.

ACP-EU Migration Action

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In 2010, the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU) agreed on a Joint Declaration on Migration and Development that was endorsed by the ACP-EU Council in June 2010. In this declaration, the parties committed to strengthen and deepen cooperation in the area of migration, in particular based on three pillars:

Assistance to migrants in transit that wish to return home

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Since 2012 the Government of the Netherlands has been co-financing the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVVR) programme of IOM. The AVRR programme aims to offer vulnerable migrants stranded in Morocco and wishing to go back home, a possibility to do it in a way that assures their dignity and personal security. The programme is composed of two phases: the return phase and the reintegration phase.

The national reintegration center for Oversea Filipino Workers

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The National Reintegration Program promotes the delivery of responsive, productive and sustainable reintegration services to oversea Filipino worker returnees that will enable them to maximize the gains of overseas employment, mitigate the social costs of migration and cushion the impact of forced repatriation due to unexpected events.

Ministry in Charge of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs

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Abroad, the priorities revolve around issues of identity, cultural rights, integration and social support. Inside Morocco, three priorities guide the work of this Ministry, aiming at restoring the confidence of members of CMRE in the administration, strengthening of support for their return and their mobilization for participation in development efforts in Morocco.

European Commission Communication on Circular Migration, 16 May 2007

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The EU Communication aims to respond to EC Council's request, based on the existing policy and cooperation framework, to identify novel approaches to improve the management of legal movements of people between the EU and third countries, in order to make significant efforts to fight illegal migration.

Livelihood Development Program (LDP) for Filipino migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)-National Livelihood Support Fund (NLSF) Livelihood Development Program is a joint undertaking of OWWA and NLSF to address the economic component of the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Reintegration Program. It is a lending program for Overseas Filipino Workers and/or their family, who plan to open a business or improve an existing business. It is meant to further improve access to entrepreneurial development opportunities and credit facilities to OFWs, their families, and organizations.

Subscribe to Objective 21: Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration