Words into Action guidelines – Disaster displacement: How to reduce risk, address impacts and strengthen resilience

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Words into Action guide offers practical guidance to help government authorities integrate disaster displacement and other related forms of human mobility into regional, national, sub-national and local DRR strategies in accordance with Target (E) of the Sendai Framework, to revise or develop DRR strategies by 2020. It provides basic background information and highlights the various roles DRR and DRM can play in reducing, preparing for and responding to disaster displacement.

The guide is primarily intended to support the work of:

Policy Paper "Early warning systems and early action in fragile, conflict, and violent contexts: Addressing growing climate & disaster risks"

This policy paper presents key considerations and calls for action to ensure countries in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence are supported by all relevant EWS stakeholders and especially donors, humanitarian and development agencies and civil society actors.

Costanza Bindi
Early Warnings for All initiative (EW4All)

The UN Secretary-General launched in March 2022, the Early Warnings for All initiative which called for every person on Earth to be protected by early warning systems within five years by 2027. 

In November 2022, the UN Secretary-General launched at COP27 an Executive Action Plan to implement the initiative and designated as the co-leads the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). 

Costanza Bindi
Loss and Damage Fund

The Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA), through decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4, established new funding arrangements for assisting developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, in responding to loss and damage.

Costanza Bindi

The Year of Return - Ghana 2019

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In 2019, Ghana successfully hosted The Year of Return, Ghana 2019, a year-long programme of activities to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first recorded enslaved Africans in the State of Virginia in the United States.

These activities included visits to heritage sites, healing ceremonies, theatre and musical performances, lectures, investment forums and relocation conferences. The aim was to promote Ghana as a tourist destination and investment opportunity as well as to encourage resettlement in the motherland for the Africans in the diaspora. 


The Baharat cookbook

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In 2021 IOM Turkey launched “Baharat” – a collection of Turkish and Syrian recipes inspired by IOM Turkey’s Protection and Psychosocial Programme’s socio-cultural activities. The cookbook is available digitally and in print in three languages: English, Turkish and Arabic. It features 12 recipes that are unique to both Turkish and Syrian cuisine, along with commentaries from Syrian and Turkish participants.

International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) is an inter-governmental organization of the countries in the African Great Lakes Region. Its establishment was based on the recognition that political instability and conflicts in these countries have a considerable regional dimension and thus require a concerted effort in order to promote sustainable peace and development.

Among the main divisions we find one concerning humanitarian social and environmental issues and one related to gender, women and children. 

Subscribe to Objective 23: Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration