Bilateral Agreement on Circular Migration between Canada and Mauritius - Placement in Canada

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

Mauritius has the opportunity to capitalise on migration as a tool for social development and economic growth. 

Mauritius became a member of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2006 with a view to getting the assistance of the organization for Labour Migration. Consequently, as from 2007, IOM has been assisting the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training (MLIRET) in facilitating the placement of Mauritian jobseekers in Canada. 

Start-up Visa Program

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Canada have adopted the Start-up Visas Programs to facilitate the inward mobility of entrepreneurs.

The Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:

  • are innovative
  • can create jobs for Canadians
  • can compete on a global scale

Bologna Process

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Bologna Process is a collective effort of public authorities, universities, teachers, and students, together with stakeholder associations, employers, quality assurance agencies, international organisations, and institutions, including the European Commission.
The main focus is:

Bilateral Agreements between Indonesia and Japan

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Indonesia has entered into bilateral agreement with several countries to improve the competences of Indonesian human resources through training programs, the development of competence standard and sharing of information related to labor market. More specifically, it has established cooperation with the Government of Japan on the placement of Indonesian health workers in Japan

Determining Labour Shortages and the need for Labour Migration in Germany

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The German Federal Employment Agency carries out an analysis of shortages of skilled workers twice a year. This analyis is based unpon several indicators, such as the number of unemployment persons in relation to the number of vacancies, duration of vacancies and profession-specific unemployment rates.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In March 2017, the federal government in Canada launched a pilot project to address labour shortages in certain industries in Nova Scotia.

With an unemployment rate of 8%, there is paradoxically an acute labour shortage in certain industries in the region, including Nova Scotia fish plants.

The Non Citizen Employment Act and Regulation No1 of 2015

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

With regards to Refugees access to labor market, Tanzania has enacted an Act called “The Non Citizen Employment Act and Regulation No1 of 2015”.

There is a provision for the Director of Refugee Services Department, to issue a "Work Permit" and on gratis, to any qualified refugee who secure employment in Tanzania. Currently regulations to this Act are being completed to be able to guide its operation.

Migrant's Pass

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The “Migrants’ Pass” has been introduced and is a tool which provide that, upon application, any persons of African descent from neighbouring countries who migrated into the United Republic before 1972 and continues to reside without having a passport or identification from their countries of origin will be granted a Migrant’s Pass, with a very minimal fee of Tshs 10,000/= per year! About 5$!

Subscribe to Objective 5: Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration