Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP) is a World Bank funded project through Investment Project Financing-IDA Loan to the Government of Uganda of about 50 Million dollars and is implemented by the office of the Prime Minister. 

The Project provides development and direct income support to vulnerable nationals and refugees within refugee hosting districts in Uganda and aims to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities and enhance environmental management in refugee hosting districts.

Colombia's Temporary Protection Status (Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, or ETPV),

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In February 2021, the Colombian government launched the Temporary Protection Status (Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes Venezolanos, or ETPV), a legal mechanism which facilitates the transition of migrants from an emergency migratory regime to a regularization status, granting access to formal employment, education, healthcare, and financial services for almost two million Venezuelan migrants and refugees. 

Local Integration Centre for Migrants (CILM) in Barranquilla

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In accordance with the local development plan, in 2020, the city government of Barranquilla (Colombia) created the Local Integration Centre for Migrants (CILM, for its Spanish acronym), which provides orientation, referrals, and support to Venezuelan refugees and migrants, as well as Colombian returnees from Venezuela, to grant them access to procedures and services. 

The main objectives are three: 

Zimbabwe’s National Diaspora Policy

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Zimbabwe’s National Diaspora Policy provides for a comprehensive national framework to formally mainstream the diaspora into national development processes. It aims to develop measures to enhance protection of Zimbabweans abroad, and establish mechanisms for the transfer and repatriation of terminal, pension, and social security benefits for retired returnees through conclusion of bilateral labour agreements with host countries.


The Zimbabwe Trafficking in Persons (TiP) National Plan of Action (NAPLAC)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In July 2016, the Government of Zimbabwe has launched a Trafficking in Persons (TiP) National Plan of Action (NAPLAC) to operationalize the Trafficking in Persons Act which was passed in 2014 to fight against human trafficking in the country.

Officially launched by Zimbabwe Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the plan was developed with technical support from IOM, UNODC and the SADC Secretariat. 

National Labour Migration Policy for Zimbabwe

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Zimbabwe is destination, transit and largely sending country for labour migrants to countries in Southern Africa and further afield. Labour migration in Zimbabwe has been characterized by many challenges, including brain drain, irregular migration, lack of a mechanism for social protection of migrant workers and lack of up-to-date statistics on labour migration.

Transferring knowledge on climate change and circular economy from the Mexican diaspora

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

EUDiF supported an action in Mexico that facilitated the transfer of knowledge between Mexico and Europe with diaspora academics as catalysts to co-develop a toolkit for citizen education on climate change and circular economy. 

RGMX-UK, the main beneficiary of the action, is the UK chapter of the Mexican Talent Network, and was created in 2010 by members of the Mexican diaspora living in the UK and with close links to academia. 

PowerSouth Initiative

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The PowerSouth initiative, founded by two Indian women living in Germany, aims to create a more equitable relationship between resource providers, implementers and entrepreneurs by promoting inclusion and gender justice for marginalized women to become empowered in climate action. 

PowerSouth offers professional services to instate women in management and ownership roles at local projects in countries, including India.


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