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Geneva – Riding on the high of the successful Ninth GFMD Summit Meeting in Dhaka (10-12 December 2016), the first meeting of the Friends of the Forum, comprised of all UN Member States and GFMD Observers, was convened on 1-2 February under the GFMD Co-Chairmanship of....

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On Monday, 19 December, just a few days after the highly successful Ninth GFMD Summit held in Dhaka on 10-12 December, Germany and Morocco officially launched the GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chairmanship at the UN Headquarters in New York. For the first time since the first GFMD in 2007 and when migration policy topics are high on the political agenda around most of the world, two countries will co-chair the process for a period of two years, beginning 1 January 2017 until end December 2018.

Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, Ambassador for the 2017-2018 GFMD Co-Chairmanship and Mr. El Habib Nadir, Secretary General, Ministry in Charge of Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs, respectively represented the incoming Co-Chairs Germany and Morocco during the event.

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By Md. Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh and Chair-in-Office of the GFMD 2016

DHAKA – We live in a rapidly evolving, hyper-connected world, where goods, capital, and people are more mobile than ever before. But, whereas countries have shown a willingness to cooperate on exchanging goods and capital, the international community has shown little appetite for improving how it governs human mobility.

After the wide-scale persecution and displacement of people in World War II, world leaders took the bold step of crafting the 1951 Refugee Convention. In doing so, they relinquished a measure of national sovereignty – by accepting the principle of non-refoulement – in order to promote global solidarity toward refugees.

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The New York Declaration that followed the 19th September Summit was an important milestone in the future of governance of international migration, in a context marked by  mixed flows of movements, an unprecedented scale of large movement refugees and migrants, dramatic images and fear-driven rhetoric. How can member states design a Global Compact to facilitate mobility which will be both deliverable and balanced?  What are the possible commitments by the different stakeholders to create a comprehensive global framework and follow-up mechanism?  Moreover, how can the GFMD, as an informal space guaranteeing exchange of ideas and among other inter-governmental process, engage actively in the construction and the definition of the Compact?

These were the guiding questions addressed before a crowded audience attending the GFMD Dialogue on the Global Migration Compact, hosted by the Government of Bangladesh, GFMD 2016 Chair, at the UN Headquarters in New York on November 14 2016. High level speakers and panelists shared their perspectives in an informal and thought-provoking setting and offered many useful insights, with the objectives of fueling with ideas the process of developing the Global Compact. The full day event focused on the social, economic and legal aspects of the Global Compact.

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On 20 and 21 October, the final Preparatory Meetings of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) under the Bangladesh Chairmanship were held in Geneva, led by H.E. Ambassador Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh. These meetings were aimed at....

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The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, in its capacity as Chair of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) 2016, has extended the invitation to all States that are Members and Observers of the United Nations, and other GFMD Observers to the Ninth GFMD Summit Meeting to be held on 10-12 December 2016 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Her Excellency, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, will open the Ninth GFMD Summit on 10 December in the presence of high-level officials. After the inauguration ceremony, the GFMD 2016 Common Space -- for governments, international organizations, civil society, private sector and other non-state partners – will follow. This will serve as the principal occasion for interaction between the Governments and global Civil Society and other relevant stakeholders.

Intensive Roundtable discussions and the special sessions on the GFMD Platform for Partnerships and the Future of the Forum will take place on 11-12 December. A report on the outcomes of these sessions will be made during the closing ceremony on 12 December. (See full agenda here.)

All official delegations are strongly encouraged to register online here. For any question(s), write to the GFMD Support Unit at

For interested media, a formal accreditation process is required here.

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On the road to international migration governance

In accordance with the work plan of the 2016 Chair-in-Office of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), the third and final thematic workshop on “Migration for Peace, Stability and Growth” was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on July 19, at the margins of the fourth High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). 

In the heatwave so particular for the Big Apple in this season, over a hundred delegates filled the meeting room in order to explore the mutually reinforcing links between migration and peace, stability, growth, and security. An important appeal was made for a comprehensive and coherent policy at all levels and improved governance of international migration.  There was a resounding call to create a new narrative that emphasizes the positive aspects of migrants and migration. Member states and non-government participants also recognized the need for a collective and shared responsibility, noting the failure of unilateral actions in many parts of the world. Finally, the workshop fostered a fruitful exchange of policy views and experiences between participants and reaffirmed the crucial role of the GFMD as an effective mechanism for informal debate and international dialogue and, more importantly, its potential to play an important role in redefining the governance of international migration.

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2nd Preparatory Meetings in Geneva (17-19 May 2016)

There was a generally engaging tone when policy makers and diplomats from member states, prominent speakers and representatives from international organizations and from the civil society gathered for the 2nd round of preparatory meetings of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) 2016 in Geneva on May 17-19. In a period marked by pressing migrants and refugees’ issues, the Bangladesh GFMD Chair convened a series of meetings to bring member states up to speed with the latest developments and upcoming migration-related events, particularly the 9th GFMD Summit to be held in Dhaka on 10-12 December 2016.

Call for a Global Compact on Migration

Ambassador Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh and GFMD 2016 Chair, led the successive discussions of the GFMD Troika (comprised of past GFMD Chair Turkey and incoming 2017-2018 Chairs Morocco and Germany), the Steering Group and the Friends of the Forum on May 17. Read more

Thematic Workshop on Migration for Harmonious Societies

On 18 May, Ambassador Shameem Ahsan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UNOG, opened the 2nd GFMD 2016 Thematic Workshop on “Migration for Harmonious Societies” by asking the question: “Is diversity meaning lack of harmony or cohesion in the society, or is it the seed that can germinate into harmony and contribute to creativity and thereby, enhance development?” Read more

Roundtable Preparatory Meetings - A foretaste of Dhaka

The three-day marathon of meetings continued with the preparatory meetings of the six GFMD 2016 government-led Roundtable sessions on May 19. These 6 RT sessions are focused on topics that evoke the increasing difficulties affecting migrants and the challenges to governments and other migration and development actors: namely, reducing the cost of migration; connectivity and migration; migration, diversity and harmonious societies; protection of migrants in all situations; migrants in situation of crises; governance of migration. Read more

GFMD-CMW Side Event on Migrants

The day ended with the joint GFMD-GMG Side Event on Migrants, a panel discussion on the rights and welfare of migrants, challenges faced by women and children in the context of international migration, labour exploitation, and the importance of the international normative human rights framework. In his opening address, Ambassador Jose Brillantes, Chair of the CMW highlighted the relevance and importance of the Convention of the Protection of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and insisted on the need of a wider ratification. Read more

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On 4 February, Ambassador Md. Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, GFMD 2016 Chair-in- Office, led the first meeting of the Friends of the Forum (FOF) in Geneva, in preparation for the 9th GFMD Summit to be held in Dhaka on 10-12 December 2016. As 2016 marks the first year after the adoption of the Agenda, the Bangladesh GFMD Chairmanship will be organized under the overarching theme “Migration that works for Sustainable Development of All: Towards a Transformative Migration Agenda.”

Ambassador Haque called upon Member States to join efforts towards developing a transformative migration agenda while ensuring the achievement of migration-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.