Cape Verde

Cape Verde is seen as a model of democracy in Africa. The country has been a multi-party democracy since 1990, governments of different stripes have succeeded each other seamlessly, and political rivalry remains peaceful. The fundamental freedoms are recognised and guaranteed by law and observed in practice. The separation of powers, and in particularly the independence of the judiciary, is a fact of life. Civil society is increasingly assertive. Cape Verde is seen as being relatively free from corruption.


In view of the fact that the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) requires Cameroon to combat poverty and in accordance with the recommendations of the European Consensus on Development, Cameroon has opted to channel the indicative amount of EUR 239 million allocated under the 10th EDF A-envelope to two priority areas:


During the lifetime of the ninth European Development Fund (EDF), covering the years from 2003 to 2007, the European Community was able to support Burundi during a transitional period of crucial importance to the country's future.


A landlocked Sahelian country, Burkina Faso counts among the world's poorest. It has a population of 13.7 million (2006 figures) and a surface area of 274 000 km². With few natural resources and a deteriorating natural environment, it is also subject to the imponderables of a Sahelian climate; rainfall is often inadequate or unevenly distributed.


Botswana is a model for the use of natural resources for development. It has evolved from one of the ten least-developed countries at independence in 1966 to a middle-income country, characterised by sustained economic growth, anchored in good governance, peace, political stability and sound macroeconomic management. Fundamental human rights and freedoms are entrenched in the Constitution, respected in practice and enforced by the Courts. GDP stood at some 50 billion Pula in 2004/5 (€8.4 billion).


Benin (114 763 km2) lies between Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria and has 7.4 million inhabitants, a quarter of whom live on the coast.


This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework which will govern EU cooperation with Belize for the period 2008-2013.


The purpose of this Country Support Strategy is to provide a framework for EU assistance to Barbados under the 10th EDF. It outlines the current status of the bilateral relations, gives a detailed country diagnosis, summarises the Government’s development agenda, reviews the past and present EC cooperation and the activities of other major donors and concludes with the proposed EU response strategy and the corresponding indicative work programme.


This Country Strategy Paper (CSP) presents the framework which will govern EU cooperation with The Commonwealth of The Bahamas for the period 2008-2013.

Antigua and Barbuda

The purpose of this Country Support Strategy is to provide a framework for EU assistance programmes in Antigua and Barbuda under the 10th EDF. It outlines the current status of relations between the EU and Antigua and Barbuda, sets out a detailed country diagnosis, summarises the Government’s development agenda, reviews the past and present EC cooperation and the activities of other major donors and concludes with the proposed EU response strategy and the corresponding indicative work programme.

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