Contingency Planning for Citizens Overseas

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The US offers contingency planning for its citizens overseas.

The concept of consular assistance has been extended beyond the core disasters and provides assistance in case of hospitalization, death of a family member, victimization of a crime. In every country, the US has contingencies for possible crisis (hurricanes, nuclear disaster, flooding, rioting, civil unrest) and undertake exercises every year or two to update them, involving the US military and the US country.

3S Initiative

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Initiative on Sustainability, Stability and Security (3S) is an inter-governmental initiative that aims to present an African perspective on migration and instability linked to natural resources.

Emergency response to the 2011 eruption of the Nabro volcano

Submitted by system admin on

The Nabro Volcano in the sparsely populated Southern Red Sea region of Eritrea unexpectedly erupted for the first time on record on June 12, 2011, with very little warning, and bearing significant societal and environmental consequences during several days of eruption. Most of the impacts of the volcano fell on the Eritrean village of Siroru. At the same time, strong seismic activities occurred on the other side of the border in Ethiopia, at the Mallahle volcano area.

MIEUX Action: West Africa II

Submitted by system admin on

The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the development of a regional dialogue and consultation on migration, climate change and the environment. The action will achieve this by organising two regional consultations in West Africa as well as a series of national workshops in Benin, Togo and Guinea-Bissau to enhance the knowledge, capacities and cooperation, both at the national level and among West African countries, on the potential migration can play in establishing adaptation measures in countries adversely impacted by the effects of sudden and slow onset climate change.

Improving human security in the bateyes

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The goal of the project is to protect residents in the bateyes from physical threats to their human security while empowering isolated communities to access their rights by way of: (i) ensuring that Haitians, Dominicans of Haitian descent, and Dominicans living in the bateyes are protected from threats to personal and political security; (ii) strengthening economic security by enhancing people’s income generation capacity and providing educational opportunities; (iii) decreasing the high levels of food insecurity; (iv) advancing health security by increasing access to basic primary care and

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