Continuous survey of Australia's migrants (CSAM)

Submitted by system admin on

The CSAM measures the labour market integration of recently arrived migrants in the Skill and Family Streams. Findings from this survey help us to inform the size and composition of Australia's Migration Programme.

Migrants taking part in the CSAM are surveyed on two occasions to capture changes in their labour market status. This provides reliable insights into the migrant integration process, and the extent of underemployment against the backdrop of a changing labour market.

Observatory on the Moroccan migrant community living abroad

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In 1990, under the patronage of King Hassan II, the Foundation for Moroccans Living Abroad was created to promote economic and cultural co-operation with the diaspora and to support them. This Foundation, in co-operation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) established an Observatory of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (EOMC), which offers an information system for the government on migration management issues. 

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