M4D Net

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The M4D Net is the go-to hub on migration and development (M&D) which brings together over 4,800 migration practitioners and policy makers from around the world to get informed, discuss and share on the issue of migration and development and is accessible through a dedicated website: www.migration4development.org.

Outgoing Migration - Republic of Moldova

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The main push factors for Moldovans migration are of economic nature, mainly poverty, lack of employment opportunities and low salaries.  The main countries of destination are Russia (over 40 per cent) and Italy (over 25 per cent). Other preferred destination countries are also: The United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Ukraine, Turkey, Spain and others.   


National Policy on International Migration; Plan of Action in support of the rehabilitation and reintegration of forced returnees/involuntary returned migrants

Submitted by Ms. Kayle Giroud on

Migrants, forced or voluntary contribute the vibrancy, growth and quality of life a city can offer. Jamaica’s long-term development plan, Vision 2030 Jamaica– National Development Plan recognizes that in an environment characterized by high levels of crime and violence and inequitable dispensation of justice, citizens and migrants are alienated and less productive than they might be, and are more likely to engage in destructive behaviour. This fuels a vicious cycle that militates against achievement of positive social, economic and cultural outcomes.

Migrants and cities: Stepping beyond World Migration Report 2015 (World Migration Report 2018 Chapter 10)

Submitted by system admin on
Date Shared

This contribution is a chapter of the World Migration Report 2018.

This chapter examines the significant role of cities in shaping migratory trajectories and in the governance of migration, highlighting key challenges and areas where migration management can be improved.

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