Comprehensive and Sustainable Strategy for the Protection and Integration of Migrants

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on

Considering the need to guarantee the protection and integration of people in mobility contexts, Mexico proposes a “Comprehensive and Sustainable Strategy for the Protection and Integration of Migrants" through actions with differentiated criteria that facilitate their integration.

This Strategy has a mechanism for the monitoring and follow-up of actions and programs, in order to guarantee the protection and integration of this population.

The policy seeks to "make migrants active participants in economic, social and cultural life while protecting their cultural identity."

The 2030 National Development Strategy

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on


The 2030 National Development Strategy of Dominican Republic, recognizes that migration, both in terms of migration flows and immigration flows, has important implications for the country. Although the national strategy paper recognizes the positive contribution that migration can make to development, it focuses primarily on the challenges posed by migration and especially immigration, such as the lack of education of Dominican migrants and unskilled labor.


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Integration is supported in Morocco within the framework the migration projects RECOMIG (‘Strengthening selected municipalities in the management of migration’) / RECOSA (Renforcement des collectivités territoriales marocaines dans l’amélioration des structures d’accueil des migrants), which on the one hand supports state structures at the national level, and on the other hand strengthens selected local actors in the creation of integration measures in the social, economic and cultural area for improvement social cohesion between migrants and the Moroccan population.

Indonesia's 'Village Law' and village development programmes

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In 2014, Indonesia issued the so-called ´Village Law´ which intends to push for development in villages and empower villagers in conducting business and economic activities. The law was one of the most significant pieces of legislation since Indonesia began a push for decentralization of power from the center to the regions in 2001.  The law guarantees that the central government allocate a specific amount of funds to Indonesia’s 74,093 villages so that they can finance their own development based on their individual needs and priorities

Management of municipal and regional migration challenges

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The program management of municipal and regional migration challenges project in Niger, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and European Union (EU), supports selected regional and local level authorities to better understand social, economic political and administrative Impact of migration on the ground and supports the implementation of identified development measures. In Niger, 17 municipalities and 3 regions have set up local observatories.

German-Moroccan training partnerships for the vocational guidance of adolescents in Morocco

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The partnership between the Moroccan National Federation of Public Works (FNBTP) and the German training organization 'Otto Benecke Stiftung', together with professional federations and German and Moroccan vocational training institutions, provides young people with vocational training in Morocco. The aim of the project is to contribute to the battle against youth unemployment and against irregular migration to Europe, as well as to provide vocational training in Morocco that meets international standards. 

BaLinkBayan: Overseas Filipinos' Online Portal for Diaspora Engagement

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Government of the Philippines created a communication platform BaLinkBayan for Filipino returnees, which functions as a one-stop online portal for diaspora engagement. BaLinkBayan is a means to connect Filipino individuals and communities to the Philippines through the Diaspora to Development (D2D) program of the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) BaLinkBayan focuses on the five of the D2D: diaspora investment and entrepreneurship, diaspora philanthropy, brain gain program, educational exchange, and medical mission coordination. 

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