Platform on Disaster Displacement

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Established in 2016 by Germany (Chair) and Bangladesh (Vice-Chair), the Platform on Disaster Displacement aims at following up on the work started by the Nansen Initiative and to implement the recommendations of the Nansen Initiative Protection Agenda, endorsed by 109 governmental delegations during a Global Consultation in October 2015.

Global Interagency Programme: Joint Migration and Development Initiative projects

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The Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) is a global inter-agency programme funded by the European Union and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It focuses on the local dimension of migrants’ contribution to development and aims to maximize the potential of migration for local development. To achieve this, the JMDI provides technical and financial support to up-scale existing locally-led migration and development initiatives across 15 projects in eight target countries: Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Morocco, Nepal, Philippines, Senegal and Tunisia.

Consolidating Moldova’s Migration and Development Institutional Framework (MIDIDOM)

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This project is a part of a larger multi-year intervention “Moldova – Making the Most of Migration”, funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation and beginning in mid-2015.

The project is implemented in partnership between IOM Moldova and the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) in synergy and close coordination with the two other SDC commissioned project (implemented by UNDP and IASCI).

Urban Projects Switzerland

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Switzerland has developed a specific integration program, executed between 2008 and 2015, to encourage the development of individual urban projects. The program is being accompanied and funded by six different federal agencies (multi-stakeholder approach) and aims to develop individual projects in socially and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, where cohabitation between the local population and migrants from different parts of the world is a challenge.

Supporting the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership and extending to Transnistria

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The Joint Statement on the Republic of Moldova-EU Mobility Partnership was signed on 5 June, 2008 in Luxembourg.The Mobility Partnership offers a political framework for cooperation with the EU (European External Action Service, European Commission, European Training Foundation - ETF and European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders - FRONTEX) and the EU Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary) in the field of migration, targeting

«Citoyenneté: mitreden, mitgestalten, mitentscheiden» (Programme that aims to support financially innovative projects in the field of participation)

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The Federal Commission on Migration FCM is an extra parliamentary commission acting in an advisory capacity to the Swiss Federal Council (see below). With its programme «Citoyenneté: mitreden, mitgestalten, mitentscheiden» the FCM promotes a large number of initiatives and activities in the field of democracy, participation and harmonious cohabitation. The FCM sees political participation as an important factor of integration. Through its programme the FCM supports locally adapted initiatives:
- that consider migrants as partners.

Federal Commission on Migration (FCM) – a platform of participation

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The Federal Commission on Migration FCM is an advisory commission of the federal council. It aims to encourage harmonious relations between the Swiss population and migrants living in Switzerland. The FCM is involved in ongoing political debates, and sets its own thematic accents. It works out specific programmes to promote integration, elaborates publications and cooperates with partners on a regional, national and international level.

Agreement on residence for Citizens of the States Parties of Mercosur and Associated States

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Ecuador has negotiated a residence agreement with the countries of Mercosur and Mercosur’s associated countries with the aim of regularizing the South American migrants that are in Ecuador as well as the Ecuadorians living in countries within the region. This enables nationals and migrants alike to stay in their countries of desitnation for a specific period of time, or apply for residency after two years.

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