Education for Migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Thailand developed the National Education For All Plan of Action (EFA) for the period 2002-2015 to ensure that all persons shall enjoy their right to receive at least twelve years of a free, quality education provided by the government. One objective of the plan is that the provision of EFA is specifically aimed at disadvantaged groups including children without citizenship and those of an ethnic minority.

Manila Declaration to Enhance International Cooperation in Combating Human Trafficking

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Manila Declaration to Enhance International Cooperation in Combating Human Trafficking is an initiative between the Philippines and Netherlands. The Declaration strengthened cooperation and joint responsibility of each stakeholder to prevent, detect and prosecute human trafficking as well as provide victim protection. It also calls for the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to stop the news forms of modern-day slavery.

Protocol for Consular Attention for unaccompanied child and adolescent migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Elaborated in partnership with the office in Mexico of UNICEF, the Protocol is a tool that includes a questionnaire, guidelines for consular interviews and a safe personal data capture system that strengthens capacities of consular staff.
The Protocol helps to provide comprehensive attention, bearing in mind the situation of each minor individual, in order to assess his/her interest, identify situations of risk and activate the inter-institutional protection chain that guarantees the safeguard of his/her rights.

Beta Groups

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Specialized staff dedicated to protect and advocate for the human rights of migrants, regardless of their nationality or migratory status, during their transit by Mexico. These groups provide also support, rescue, relief, humanitarian assistance, legal advice and orientation. 

Grupos Beta (Beta Groups) is a service by the National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico dedicated to the protection and defense of the human rights of migrants and are specialized in providing orientation, rescue and first aid, regardless of nationality or immigration status.

Strengthen the Consular Network for the care of migrant boys, girls and adolescents

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Guatemala through its Consular Network, provides psychological assistance to children and adolescents in countries of transit and destination. Currently, this assistance is provided at the Guatemalan Consulates in Mcallen, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona, and Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico.

Campaign of prevention and guidance for the migration of boys, girls and adolescents: What happens? What do I do?

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

This campaign is aimed at children and their families to have a clear, simple and precise information about the steps of the migration processes in United States; explaining what happens to the child when he or she is arrested by entering United States irregularly, addressing migratory processes of detention in that country, stay in the shelter, family reunification, special visas and deportation. It also communicates about the risk of migrating unauthorized, encouraging informed decisions within the framework of the right to migrate.

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