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GFMD 2020 Roundtables



Background Papers (final)

Thematic Submissions on the 2020 Roundtables Papers

  • Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs (ARCP) Contribution to the 13th GFMD (English) / (Arabic)

Preparatory Meetings

2nd Government-Led Roundtable Preparatory Meetings - 4 December 2020

Online, via Webex

1st Government-Led Roundtable Preparatory Meetings - 1 October 2020

CICG, Geneva

GFMD Meeting

Thirteenth GFMD Summit


Report of the Proceedings

Overall GFMD Summit Programme


Future of the Forum Session

Youth-led Session


Open Space

Side Events

  • Schedule of Side Events
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrant Workers in the Middle East – a Discussion on the Gained Experience - [Agenda]
  • Non-Payment of Wages and Benefits: Impacts on the Life of Migrants and their Families Post-COVID-19 - [Agenda]
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Migrants, Migration and Development - [Agenda] - [Working Paper]
  • Beyond Recovery: a Post-COVID-19 Socio-Economic Response for Migrants and their Communities - [Agenda]
  • Migration Governance in the Arab Region: Trends, Challenges and Priorities for the Future - [Agenda]
  • Inter-Regional Partnerships on the Governance of Labour Migration: two Abu Dhabi Dialogue Initiatives - [Flyer]
  • Enabling African Youth to Upskill and Move - [Agenda]
  • Advancing Fair and Ethical Recruitment for all in a COVID-19 Context - [Agenda]
  • Harnessing Diaspora Contributions to COVID-19 Recovery Efforts in Countries of Origin [Agenda]
  • Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees: Innovative Partnerships for Sustainable Development - [Agenda]
  • Cross-sector Approaches for Local Actors on Migrants' Inclusion - [Agenda]
  • It Takes a Community: Building a Global Movement to Balance the Narrative on Migration - [Agenda]
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Remittances - [Agenda]

Dialogue on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) / the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)

GFMD Meeting

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