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Financial contributions

The Forum functions through voluntary financial contributions of Member States. A rotating Chair articulates the programme for the Forum and prepares the budget for its term, indicating its contribution and inviting other participating governments to support the process through funding. Contributions are made to a fund administered by the Chair in office through the GFMD Secretariat. The secretariat is hosted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 

In-kind Contributions

Governments and GFMD observers may provide in-kind contributions, such as the secondment of experts, drafting of papers, sponsoring of thematic events in support of the programme, etc.

Financial arrangements with IOM

Financial contributions are facilitated through IOM, following IOM financial rules and procedures. Since 2011, IOM's External Auditor examines GFMD accounts annually, separately from other IOM projects.

Related Documents:

GFMD Operating Modalities [ ES | FR ]

The GFMD’s relationship with IOM

Since the GFMD’s inception in 2007, IOM has been the closest institutional partner of the Forum. While remaining independent as a State-led and State-run process, the GFMD has had a stable working relationship with IOM. 

IOM hosts the GFMD Secretariat by virtue of a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the GFMD 2008 Troika, as amended in 2015 and successively in 2023. IOM’s scope of services to the GFMD Secretariat includes staff contracts, administrative and financial services.

IOM also offers technical support to the GFMD upon request of the Chair, as other GFMD observers. This includes providing expertise and speakers for GFMD events and occasionally assigning international advisors. 

The primary contact point between the GFMD and IOM is the Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Communications (OPAC). 

IOM Logo     GFMD Logo

The UN Migration Network and the GFMD

The United Nations Network on Migration was established to support Member States in implementing the GCM. It comprises 39 members of the UN System, with IOM serving as Coordinator and Secretariat of the Network. Many member agencies of the Network (ILO, OCHCR, UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF, IFAD, etc.) have GFMD Observer status or have been involved in GFMD activities through expertise and by co-organizing events. The UN Network is a member of the Friends of the Forum and is regularly invited to GFMD events


The GFMD and the Global Compact on Migration

GCM LogoGeneral Assembly Resolution 73/195 acknowledges the GFMD as a process that paved the way for the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, through which Member States committed to elaborate a Global Compact for Refugees and a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Operative Paragraph 3).

The inter-governmentally negotiated outcome of the GCM recognizes the GFMD as an important platform to facilitate the exchange experiences on the implementation of the GCM, share good policies and practices on cooperation, promote innovative approaches, and foster multi-stakeholder partnerships around specific policy issues (OP 47).

The GFMD is invited to provide a space for annual informal exchange on the implementation of the Compact and report findings, best practices and innovative approaches to the International Migration Review Forum (OP 51).

In addition, the GFMD Platform for Partnerships (PfP) is acknowledged as a building block of the global knowledge platform envisioned as one of the three elements of the proposed UN capacity-building mechanism (CBM).

The modalities Resolution of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), adopted by the General Assembly on 19 July 2019, invites the GFMD, including its civil society, business and mayors mechanisms, to provide a space for informal exchanges on the implementation of the Global Compact, and report the findings, best practices and innovative approaches to the forums.

Flexible Engagement Modalities 

The GFMD comprises Member States that have not adopted the GCM as well as GCM Champion countries. To respect the different perspectives of its large and diverse constituency, the GFMD Chairs that have taken office after the adoption of the GCM have engaged flexibly through a range of activities to allow committed stakeholders to bring the outcomes of the Forum to support the GCM implementation.

The GFMD Ecuador 2019 Chair and GFMD UAE 2020 Chair both hosted a dedicated dialogue on the GCM back-to-back with their respective Summits. In the GFMD Interim period (February 2021-June 2022), the GFMD Steering Group formed a dedicated sub-committee to develop a report for the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF). The GFMD France Chair (2022-2023) established a dedicated multi-stakeholder Rapporteur Team to bring the outcomes of the GFMD 14th Summit to the 5th Annual Meeting of the UN Migration Network held in Geneva immediately after the Summit. 

GFMD Dialogues on the GCM

· 1st Dialogue on the GCM (14 Nov 2016, New York)
· 2nd Dialogue on the GCM (2 Feb 2017, Geneva)
· 3rd Dialogue on the GCM (6 April 2017, Geneva)
    · GFMD Dialogue on the GCM Implementation (4 Sept, 2018)

GFMD Thematic Workshops

· Workshop on Climate Change & Human Mobility (24 May 2017, Rabat)
· Thematic Workshop on the GFMD contribution to the GCM (6 Sept 2017, Vienna)
· Stocktaking Workshop on GCM (19 Sept 2017, Vienna)
· Workshop on Children and Youth on the Move: Implementing Sustainable Solutions (21-22 June 2018, Agadir)
· Workshop on Labor Migration and Skills (3 May 2018, Geneva)

10th GFMD Summit in Berlin (28-30 June 2017, Berlin)

· Roundtables framed according to the migration-related SDGs and GCM themes
· GCM Rapporteurs evaluated the debates to draw inputs for the GFMD’s contribution to the GCM

Ad hoc Working Group on the 2030 Agenda and the GCM

The relationship between the GFMD and the United Nations System

The GFMD is open to all States Members and observers of the United Nations, but it does not form part of the United Nations system. As an independent State-led process, the GFMD cooperates with the UN system in a number of ways, which have evolved over time. Below are some examples:

  • Submission of the Reports of the Chair through the UN Secretary-General.
  • Presentation of GFMD written contributions to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).
  • Collaborating with the UN Migration Network to allow interested Member States to bring GFMD outcomes in support of the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration (GCM).
  • UN Secretary Generals have attended GFMD Summits.
  • The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on International Migration and Development (SRSG) played a crucial role from 2007 to 2018, offering advice to GFMD Chairs and participating in preparatory activities and Summits.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon speaks at the 7th GFMD Summit GFMD in Stockholm (2014). 
From left: H.E. Ban Ki-moon, H.E. Eva Åkerman Börje, H.E. Peter Sutherland, H.E. Tobias Billström, H.R.H Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, H.E. Fredrik Reinfeldt.

For more information on the relationship of the GFMD with the UN and its agencies, please see:

UN Secretary General António Guterres
Video message of UN Secretary General António Guterres at the 9th GFMD Summit in Dhaka (2016)

The GFMD Working Group on Sustainable Development and International Migration (SD&IM) supports the implementation, follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

Genesis – 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Created in 2016 under the GFMD Chairmanship of Bangladesh and denominated the Ad Hoc Working Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the initial focus of the working group was to explore ways for the GFMD to support the 2030 Agenda’s implementation.

Renewed Mandate under the German-Moroccan Co-Chairmanship in 2017-2018

The mandate of the Working Group on the Agenda 2030 was extended at the GFMD Dhaka Summit (2016), recognizing the relevance of the Forum not only to support the 2030 Agenda, but also for the development of the GCM. The GFMD submitted its first recommendations to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in  2017 and 2018 – a practice that has continued regularly since - and shared substantive contributions in support of the GCM process.

The Working Group on Sustainable Development and International Migration (2019)

Following the adoption of the GCM in 2018, the Working Group name changed to Working Group on Sustainable Development and International Migration under the Ecuadorian GFMD Chairmanship (2019) and its scope of work was expanded to support international commitments related to the 2030 Agenda, the GCM, as well as the review of recommendations of the GFMD Ten Year Review (2018).

Subsequent Contributions to the HLPF

In 2023, during the French Chair’s term, the Working Group resumed its functioning after 18 months of hiatus, including the GFMD civil society mechanism as a Co-Chair. 

The Working Group facilitated the preparation of the GFMD focused input to the 2023 HLPF through an inclusive process engaging also the GFMD business mechanism, mayors' mechanism and the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), as well as the Ad Hoc Working Group on Public Narratives on Migration and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrants, Migration and Development.

In line with a more interactive approach, the 2024 GFMD Focused Input to the HLPF was developed by the Working Group in collaboration with the Rapporteur Team for Agenda 2030 appointed by the GFMD 2022-2023 Chair, France to gather insights during the 14th Summit. Drafted by a team of rapporteurs from Ghana, Palau, the Mayors Mechanism and the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), the report was finalized with extensive contributions of Working Group and Steering Group members as well as the GFMD mechanisms.


Membership of the WG is on a voluntary basis, comprising between 12 and 15 members from different regions.

The current Members include Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt, France (Co-Chair), Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Republic of Moldova, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates (Co-Chair) and the GFMD Civil Society Mechanism (Co-Chair).

Representatives of the GFMD Mechanisms, the UN Migration Network on Migration, International or Regional Organizations or any other expert may be invited to attend WG meetings.

A GFMD Committee on GFDM-GCM Relations (2021-2022)

In the absence of a Chair in Office between February 2021 and June 2022, a dedicated GFMD Committee on GFMD-GCM relations developed the first GFMD Report to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) of the Global Compact on Migration (GCM), which was presented in May 2022.


Thematic Working Groups

As per the GFMD Operating Modalities, thematic follow-up working groups (WGs) may be established by the Steering Group. These groups aim to take forward policy insights and recommendations derived from GFMD discussions between Summit Meetings.

The WGs consult with the GFMD Troika and the GFMD Steering Group to ensure that the WG activities are in line with the priorities of the Chair in office and the overall focus of the Forum. 

Membership of WGs is on voluntary basis, regionally balanced and open to State and non-state partners, including the GFMD mechanisms and international organizations.


Current GFMD Working Groups

To respond to current and emerging events, and in line with the thematic priorities of the GFMD Chair-in-Office, there are currently two active GFMD Working Groups :

Previous GFMD Working Groups

  • Ad hoc Working Group on the Impacts of Covid-19 on Migrants, Migration and Development (2020-2022). The WG was set up in spring 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was hitting communities around the globe with full force. The WG brought together a multi-stakeholder community of states, local governments, businesses and civil society groups to share experiences and lessons learned with regards to the impact of Covid-19 on migrants, migration and development. During the Summit of the UAE in 2021, it presented a paper to show paths to strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogues in tackling Covid-19.
  • Working Group on 2030 Agenda and the GCM (2016-2019). The WG was created, according to the WG’s Terms of Reference in order to consider the best ways for the GFMD to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to contribute to the follow-up and review process. In addition to the Report produced at the end of 2016, this working group produced concrete and significant outcomes, specifically the GFMD Recommendations to the HLPF in 2017 and 2018 and the “Thematic Recollection 2007-2017”. In 2019, the WG was renamed as the “Working Group on Sustainable Development and International Migration.
  • Ad hoc Working Group on Communications (2015-2018). Recognizing that a sound communication strategy is of vital importance for an intergovernmental body like the GFMD, the objective of this WG, as per the WG’s Terms of Reference, was to assess the GFMD’s communication needs and the feasibility of adopting new ways for effective communication. After conducting a survey of the Forum’s communication needs, the WG presented its Report at the 2016 Dhaka Summit with short to long term recommendations on how to enhance GFMD communications. Most of the immediate recommendations have been implemented, and a GFMD communications strategy, completed in 2018, now serves as the basis of the GFMD communications plan.
  • Ad hoc Working Group on Protection and Empowerment of Migrants and the Ad hoc Working Group Policy Coherence, Data and Research (2008 – 2013). These two WGs were created with an aim to link GFMD recommendations to existing and forthcoming thematic priorities, and to encourage pilot activities.

GFMD ad hoc Working Group on Public Narratives on Migration

Public perceptions of migration have become highly polarized and influenced by misinformation globally. The spread of inaccurate narratives can negatively impact both migrants and host communities. Governments, local authorities, civil society and businesses have an opportunity to combat mis and disinformation by promoting balanced and evidence-based public narratives on migration. Public discourse can significantly affect social cohesion, support for diversity, economic growth and innovation.

The GFMD Ad Hoc Working Group on Public Narratives on Migration was established in February 2020 to create a strong partnership among GFMD stakeholders in pursuing this common goal. Upon proposal of the Government of Canada, the GFMD Steering Group unanimously endorsed the Working Group's creation.

Recognizing the crucial role of cities and local communities in shaping accurate migration narratives and in fostering social inclusion and migrant integration, the Steering Group also approved, for the first time, the inclusion of the Mayors Mechanism as a Co-Chair of a GFMD Working Group alongside governments. The practice of inviting a GFMD mechanism to co-chair along with governments was then extended to other GFMD working groups, including the Working Group on Sustainable Development and International Migration; and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Impact of Covid 19 on migrants and migration. 

The mandate of this Working Group revolves around three objectives:

  1. enhance the capacity of WG members and the broader GFMD community on the topic of migration narratives; 
  2. foster the creation of partnerships and joint activities that can contribute to shifting the narrative on migration; 
  3. provide recommendations on the topic of migration narratives for the GFMD’s contribution to the implementation, review and follow up of the 2030 Agenda and the GCM.


  • Co-Chairs:  Canada, Ecuador and GFMD Mayors Mechanism
  • Member States:  Algeria, Bangladesh, Canada, Ecuador, Ireland, Mexico, Morocco, The Gambia
  • Members representing the local perspective:  City of Johannesburg, City of Mechelen, City of Montreal, City of Sao Paulo, Welcoming International, the GFMD Mayors Mechanism
  • Members representing civil society: Oxfam, UNMGCY, ICMC/Coordinator of Civil Society Coordinating Office
  • Members representing the private sector: Talent Beyond Boundaries, ERC Worldwide, IOE/Coordinator of the GFMD Business Mechanism
  • International Organizations:  IOM, ICMPD, OHCHR and the European Union (DG Home)


The Working Group is currently Co-Chaired by Canada, Ecuador and the GFMD Mayors Mechanism. The Co-Chairs can be contacted at: wg_narratives@gfmd.org.

GFMD Summits

The GFMD dialogue culminates in the organization of Summits. The Forum has hosted Summits on a regular basis since its establishment in 2007. The rotating GFMD Chair in office proposes the themes to be discussed within the Forum for the duration of its term. Topics are chosen through a broad consultative process with other Member States and stakeholders. This approach ensures that the dialogue on migration and development can evolve flexibly over time based on Member States priorities, maintaining the engagement of stakeholders and bringing expertise from State and non-State actors. Each Chair brings its own distinctive and innovative elements to the dialogue within the Forum. The Forum is organized around a set of key activities:

The Summit preparatory process

The preparatory process includes meetings and consultations in the lead up to the final Summit, such as preparatory meetings of the GFMD supporting structures (Troika, Steering Group, Friends of the Forum), Roundtable Team Consultations and Thematic Workshops (optional). 

Preparatory meetings help set the agenda and engage states and observers around the thematic priorities at the centre of the program. Roundtable Team Consultations allow governments and other stakeholders to exchange views on the thematic priorities building the dialogue in preparation of the Summit, capturing the scope of the discussions in background papers with the aim of getting to the Summit with a solid basis for a constructive dialogue. In 2024, under the Colombia GFMD Chair, new modalities to refresh the dialogue space and create more opportunities for interaction within it are being considered. 

Thematic Workshops may be organized in addition to preparatory meetings and roundtable consultations to offer additional opportunities for in-depth discussions and/or promote regional engagement on the topics at the centre of the debate. Thematic workshops may be hosted by GFMD observers in partnership with the Chair.

GFMD Summit 

The GFMD Summit is usually hosted by the Chair in their home country. However, during the Chair of France the 14th GFMD Summit (2024) took place in Geneva. 

GFMD Summits are inter-governmental dialogues among all UN Member States and GFMD Observers. Participants include high-level policy makers, technical experts and practitioners who engage in informal discussions on topics at the core of the migration debate with the aim of articulating the multiple and significant connections between migration and development across a broad variety of policy areas.

Over the years, the GFMD Summits have also expanded to provide opportunities for multi- stakeholder participation, including civil society, private sector, mayors, local/regional governments, youth and academia. This inclusive approach ensures a dynamic dialogue and the exchange of multiple perspectives on contemporary migration debates with a 360 degree approach. 

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