
Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Migrantour is an international project coordinated by the NGO Terra Vera, providing a new instrument for integration that promotes the cultural heritage brought by migrant citizens, asylum seekers and refugees. The project contributes to the development of a new narrative on the phenomenon of migration.

Through this project, migrants lead city tours for tourists and locals which showcase the contributions of migrants in to their home cities, and help to to share the personal stories of the guides.

"I am a migrant" IOM campaign

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The IOM's 'I am a migrant' campaign is a platform to promote diversity and inclusion of migrants in society. It’s specifically designed to support volunteer groups, local authorities, companies, associations, groups, indeed, anyone of goodwill who is concerned about the hostile public discourse against migrants.

The Anti Rumour Strategy (ARS) Handbook

Submitted by Ms. Angelica Pinzon on

The Anti Rumor Strategy (ARS) is a long-term process of social change that proposes to explore and influence the causes of xenophobia, taking into account specific socio-cultural contexts. Its purpose is to prevent discrimination, improve coexistence, and harness the potential of diversity by triggering a change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors among the general population and specific target groups. The ARS was first promoted in 2010 in Barcelona with a current presence in six Spanish cities and 12 in Europe.

Moroccan Network of Journalists on Migration (Réseau marocain des journalistes des migrations)

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Moroccan Network of Journalists on Migration was created in November 2018 in Morocco, and seeks to promote the ethical, balanced and professional reporting of migration issues in Morocco. It aims to provide a space for exchange, reflection, collaboration and mutual assistance on themes relating to migration. 

Study on attitudes to migrants, communication and local leadership

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

AMICALL was a transnational action project, coordinated by COMPAS in 2011-2012, exploring the role of Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) in communicating with their citizens about the difficult questions raised by migration. Led by a partnership of six European research institutions, with the Council of Europe as an associate partner, the project provided a platform for the sharing of good practice and the development of new strategies for the communication of positive attitudes towards migrants and migrant integration at the local and regional level.

Pop Culture Collaborative

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Established in 2016, the Pop Culture Collaborative is a philanthropic resource and funder learning community that uses grantmaking, convening, narrative strategy, and research to transform the narrative landscape around people of color, immigrants, refugees, Muslims, and Native people in popular culture. It is an initative of several foundations, led by the foundation 'Unbound Philanthropy'. 

More in Common

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

More in Common is an international initiative set up in 2017 to build communities and societies that are stronger, more united and more resilient to the increasing threats of polarisation and social division. 

Visa for Music

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Visa for Music, a musical event held in Rabat, is the first professional platform gathering and federating artists of the music industry in Morocco, the Middle East, and Africa. The event provides a space for interprofessional music in Morocco for the countries of the South. Visa for Music Association works on the economy of arts, artistic mobility, and narratives on accepting others.

Artistic Mobility Fund in Africa

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Africa Art Lines Association is a fund that allows artists and cultural operators carrying artistic projects between Morocco and other African countries to benefit from grants for their travel expenses, thus promoting labor mobility and cultural awareness. Africa Art Lines accepts artists and cultural professionals living and working within the continent and holding projects related to Morocco.

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