Subcommittee on International Migration Development

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Subcommittee on International Migration Development aims to raise the consciousness and appreciation of migration and development and increase coordination and convergence among migration-related agencies and other government agencies. This effort has cascaded to the sub-national level. Committees on migration and development, usually on the regional development councils have been established in four regions as of today. 

Integrated legislative approach: bills for asylum seekers, anti-human trafficking and immigration.

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The asylum seekers bill aims to ensure the protection for all people having fear of persecution because of their race and ethnicity. The anti-human trafficking bill has the objective of criminalizing human trafficking and protecting its victims. The bill on immigration aims to regulate entry and residence of people in Morocco. 

Media, Immigration and Diversity

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Starting in 2010, this seminar series have attracted more than 300 participants around Portugal. The objectives of the program include promoting diversity on the media, improving the theme of immigration in research and media production and promoting the values of intercultural diversity and integration of migrant communities.

Migrant Voices

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Eight stories about the experience of migrants in Greece were broadcast on TV100, a TV channel serving northern Greece, following a TV & radio production training course on migration and diversity, organised jointly by the Media Diversity Institute and Symβiosis, in partnership with TV100 in 2012.

Face2face: facilitating dialogue between migrants and European citizens (F2F)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The project aims to break down negative stereotypes and improve public perception of migrants and the phenomenon of migration in the Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain by creating strong and long-lasting basis for interaction and dialogue between migrants and members of receiving communities. Since a large part of the project will take place in 2013, the European Year of Citizenship, the project seeks to bring attention to the wider definition of citizen, meaning a person who is linked to a country by rights, but also by responsibility to the society. 

Diversity Barometer

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Diversity Barometer is an attitude survey first presented at Uppsala University in 2005. Data collection has been carried out annually since then. The purpose of this project is to study the attitudes that exist and are developing towards ethnic diversity in the Swedish population from a longitudinal perspective.  Both interviews and surveys have been used to collect data. Even though this project highlights in what ways social positions affect the attitudes in question, the focus is mainly on the consequences of these attitudes for social interaction within Swedish society.

Todos Somos Migrantes Campaign (We are all migrants)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Starting from 2008, the government of Ecuador launched the campaign "Todos Somos Migrantes" (We are all migrants) which aimed at raising awareness on the importance of migrants, as well as promoting principle of universal citizenship, the right of all human being to migrate and harmonious coexistence. In 2010, the campaign refocused its objective to fighting against discrimination, racism and xenophobia.

INADI - National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Argentinean National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism, is an organ of the Government that promotes different initiatives in order to promote more inclusive policies. They have produced a Discrimination Map of Argentina and organised community workshops.

Handbook on How to Implement a One-Stop-Shop for Immigrant Integration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This Handbook presents the One-Stop-Shop approach as a holistic strategy for mainstreaming the provision of immigration services and facilitating migrant integration process.  The One-Stop Shop promotes the idea that integration is a two-way process, where the receiving society actively engages in ensuring the integration and adaptation of migrants.

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