National Framework on Prevention of Sexual and Gender based Violence

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The labour migration/foreign employment sector is one of 9 sectors included in the “National Framework on Prevention of Sexual and Gender based Violence” developed through support of the United National Development Programme under the leadership of the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs.

Republic Act 10801

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Philippine government, along with their partners from the civil society organizations, private institutions, and international organizations, has continuously strived to integrate gender in the migration-related legislation. This led to the recent passing of the Republic Act 10801, known as the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Law (this May 2016), a new legislation promoting gender responsive migration.

Japan's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Through this plan, the Government of Japan aims to cultivate the power of women as the greatest potential for the growth of the Japanese economy, and further strengthen cooperation with the international community as well as assistance to developing countries with the belief that creating "a society in which women shine" will bring vigor to the world.                                                                                                  

Migration as a Facilitator for inclusive human development

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The local authorities of Upala, in Costa Rica, have a key role in managing unique local migratory contexts. Upala is an immigration and transit zone at the border with Nicaragua, home to many Nicaraguan migrants in search of employment opportunities, access to social services and better living conditions or workplace of many Nicaraguans who cross the border each day to make a living, thus living in a ´cross border´context.

Migrant Workers Family Development Policy (Regulation of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection No. 20/2010 – “Bina Keluarga TKI”)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In line with the Presidential Instruction No. 3/2010 on Justice for All/Equitable Development, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection issued Regulation No.20/2010 on Indonesian Migrant Worker Family Development Policy (“Bina Keluarga TKI”) in order to empower migrant workers and their families.

This policy provides general guidelines and reference for national and local governments as well as communities to empower the economy, maintain harmony, well-being and protect families of Indonesian migrant workers.

Resource Centers for women migrant workers

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In 2010, UN Women helped the Government of Bangladesh in 2010 to establish its first Resource Center so women who wished to migrate could easily obtain correct information. Workshops and radio broadcasts have made women more aware of their rights. UN Women helped develop and broadcast a 26-episode programme on national radio in local dialects.

Tamkine Migrants for women migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Jointly financed by the European Union (EU) and Terre des hommes, the “Tamkine-Migrants” project principally aims at improving access to healthcare and educational services and for justice for migrant women and children from the Sub-Sahara. In Morocco, the project is carried out with the Associations « Medecins du Monde » Belgium, the Moroccan Association for Solidarity and Development (AMSED) and the Association for Fight against AIDS (ALCS), in partnership with the Ministry of Health, National Mutual Aid.

Mobilizing diaspora women for development and women empowerment

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Eritrean women, including those still in immigration processes and abroad are invited and welcomed to join Eritrean diaspora organizations, such as women associations.  Diaspora women associations have contributed greatly to the establishment of institutions that aim to empower women in Eritrea. They have collected money and financed the construction of office buildings in several areas in Eritrea intended for women and their development through training, job offers, counseling, and assistance.

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