Platform on Disaster Displacement

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Established in 2016 by Germany (Chair) and Bangladesh (Vice-Chair), the Platform on Disaster Displacement aims at following up on the work started by the Nansen Initiative and to implement the recommendations of the Nansen Initiative Protection Agenda, endorsed by 109 governmental delegations during a Global Consultation in October 2015.

Legal and Constitutional Framework of Kenya protecting equality and workers rights

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Consitution Article 27(ii)

The government provides equal access to legal protection and social services to all migrants. This is guaranteed in both the constitution and statutes. Article 27(ii) of the Constitution states that every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law. This equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and fundamentals freedoms for both women and men. It guarantees the right to equal treatment, including the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social spheres.

Greek Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF)

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Many countries are experiencing humanitarian migration on an unprecedented scale. Efforts towards the coherent, long-term and comprehensive strategies that maximize the benefits of migration must be continued. The key to maximizing the benefits of immigration is the successful integration of migrants into their host societies.


To this end, the Greek Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF) has sought to promote European cooperation, with the objective of granting equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for all.

Urban Projects Switzerland

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Switzerland has developed a specific integration program, executed between 2008 and 2015, to encourage the development of individual urban projects. The program is being accompanied and funded by six different federal agencies (multi-stakeholder approach) and aims to develop individual projects in socially and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, where cohabitation between the local population and migrants from different parts of the world is a challenge.

Media Professionals Training

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IOM helps in building the capacities of media professionals and students to implement good standards in their reporting of migration issues. One example of this is IOM's project 'Migrants in the Spotlight: Training and Capacity Building for Media', which included training seminars in 2011 for journalists and media students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia to raise awareness about reporting on migration issues.

Emergency response to the 2011 eruption of the Nabro volcano

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The Nabro Volcano in the sparsely populated Southern Red Sea region of Eritrea unexpectedly erupted for the first time on record on June 12, 2011, with very little warning, and bearing significant societal and environmental consequences during several days of eruption. Most of the impacts of the volcano fell on the Eritrean village of Siroru. At the same time, strong seismic activities occurred on the other side of the border in Ethiopia, at the Mallahle volcano area.

MIEUX Action: West Africa II

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The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the development of a regional dialogue and consultation on migration, climate change and the environment. The action will achieve this by organising two regional consultations in West Africa as well as a series of national workshops in Benin, Togo and Guinea-Bissau to enhance the knowledge, capacities and cooperation, both at the national level and among West African countries, on the potential migration can play in establishing adaptation measures in countries adversely impacted by the effects of sudden and slow onset climate change.

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