Mayors Mechanism - Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

In 2018, with the adoption of the Marrakech Mayors Declaration, local and regional governments (LRGs) pledged to implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) as well as the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in unison, as concrete pathways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Measures to minimize administrative irregularity linked with international human mobility

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Uruguay has introduced specific measures to minimize administrative irregularity linked with international human mobility and is pursuing legal framework revisions to promote migrants’ rights, bilateral and multilateral social security agreements, visa waiver agreements, and various measures in line with civil society recommendations.

The most significant examples of regularization and access to residence and identity documents are the following:

Migration and the 2030 Agenda: Guide for Practitioners

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes migration as a core development consideration — marking the first time that migration is explicitly integrated into the global development agenda. Implementation of the SDGs provides an opportunity to protect and empower mobile populations to fulfil their development potential and benefit individuals, communities and countries around the world. But the migration-SDG connections reach far beyond just implementing migration poli-cies, and entail integrating migration across governance sectors. 

Morocco's Migration Policies and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Morocco, national consultations were held in September 2017 with civil society and diaspora representivatives, scholars and researchers, represensatives of the private sector and public institutions. These national consultations have enabled Morocco to come with a consolidated contribution to the Global Compact, the "Recommendations of the Kingdom of Morocco on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration."

Sanctuary City Policies

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

San Francisco has set up a varied legal framework in order to be a city of inclusion for migrants. Primarily, based on the principle that migrants have a right to justice regardless of their migratory stats, and that migrants should have access to basic services, in 1989 San Francisco passed the "City and Country of Refuge" Ordinance (also known as the Sanctuary Ordinance).

Human Mobility Law

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In February 2016, a very progressive national law on human mobility was approved (recognized by ILO and UNHCR) to guarantee migrants can have identity cards etc.; and exercise all rights of Ecuadorians particularly access to high-level universal health and education, as well as access to justice.

Comprehensive Migration Management Strategy (COMMIST)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Tanzania did in 2014 a joint exercise with IOM Tanzania, under Comprehensive Migration Management Strategy in Tanzania (COMMIST), aimed at register all irregular migrants in the three Western Tanzanian regions of Kigoma, Kagera and Geira. As a pilot project, in two months, 22,282 migrants were registered and given IDs. Awareness-raising and capacity building for immigration officials and regional, district and village authorities will form other key activities in this project.

"To be born a citizen" project

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The project Nascer Cidadão (To be born a citizen) allows every new born to be automatically and immediately registered in the hospitals and public maternities. This prevents parents from being forced into bureaucracy and helps to detect  any kind of vulnerabilites and special needs of certain communities, parents and their children

National Regularization Plan for Foreigners

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Dominican Republic, under President Danilo Medina, has launched the most ambitious initiative in the history of the country with respect to the documentation and normalization of the entire population living in the country. To achieve this, two mechanisms have been established: Special Law 169-14, for both people born in Dominican Republic and children of foreign parents with an irregular status, and the National Regularization Plan for Foreigners.

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