Labour Institutions Act, Kenya

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Part VII of Kenya’s Labour Institutions Act of 2007 has provisions to regulate the activities of private employment agencies that engage in internal and cross-border recruitment. These include registration requirements, obligations on agency directors, competency requirements for employment officers, recruitment-related offences and appeals procedures.

E-recruitment through a central labour clearing house

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Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers. The network has always worked hard to ensure that European citizens can benefit from the same opportunities, despite language barriers, cultural differences, bureaucratic challenges, diverse employment laws and a lack of recognition of educational certificates across Europe. It has a portal network of 1,000 EURES advisors who maintain daily contact with employees and employers across Europe.

World Employment Confederation (formerly CIETT)

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In 2006 CIETT endorsed its Code of Conduct of the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies. The Code of Conduct was revised in 2015 to align even more closely with efforts on fair recruitment at the international level and is a reflection of the organizations endorsement of the ILO's Convention No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies.

Regulations protecting domestic employees, Spain

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The Government of Spain's Royal Decree 1620/20111 of 14 November regulates the special relationship that characterizes service within the family household.

The Royal Decree updates the rules governing the labour relationships of domestic employees and sets out to improve working conditions in the sector by bringing them as far as possible into line with those of other workers, while making due allowance where appropriate for such differences as may exist.

Minimum wage standards

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As part of Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP), Canada ensures that seasonal migrant agricultural workers are paid at the level of, or above, local minimum wage and provides other guarantees.

The employer must pay a wage equal to the highest provincial minimum wage, or the rate that Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) determines to be the prevailing wage for the type of agricultural work being performed, or the rate being paid by the employer to Canadian workers performing the same type of agricultural work.

EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

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As part of the European Agenda on Migration, the European Union has launched the European Trust Fund for Africa. Through funding specific projects linked to the creation of employment opportunities, the enhancement of food and nutrition security or the improvement of migration management, the objective of the Fund is to foster stability along the migration route to Europe and work with African partners.

Philippine Medium Term Development Plan (2004 - 2010)

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The basic task of the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP), 2004-2010 was  to fight poverty by building prosperity for the greatest number of the Filipino people. 

With more than 4 million workers abroad, the Philippines systematically included labor emigration in the Plan to supplement its wider national program of job generation to alleviate poverty. The plan includes, for instance, topics such as dealing with brain drain by turning push factors into pull factors

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