Global Media Competition on Labour Migration

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Since 2015, the International Labour Organization and its partners have organized an annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment.

Recognizing and promoting ethical and quality reporting is increasingly significant, as media can promote a toxic public narrative reinforcing prejudice, intolerance and stigmatization against migrant workers and their families.

The Global Media Competition contributes to support the production of quality reporting and raising awareness about labour migration.

The FAIRWAY Programme

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The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

E-Mindful Project

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Aware of the divisive potential of an increasing polarized public discourse on migration, the project will pool lessons from selected awareness-raising campaigns on migration. Such analysis will offer evidence-based grounds to develop innovative prototypes of awareness-raising/edutainment formats in collaboration with communication experts at the national level, including University faculties of semiotics, communication and marketing, schools of journalism/TV/radio and art.

Musaned system

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Established in 2015, Saudi Arabiaís Musaned is the online digital recruitment platform for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. Overseen by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MoHRSD), Musaned has provided the MoHRSD with a wide range of data and tools to enhance their monitoring capabilities over the employment of migrant domestic workers.

Musaned was established, in part, to address issues faced by migrant domestic workers, including unethical or illegal recruitment and employment practices in Saudi Arabia

SADC Guidelines on the Portability of Social Security Benefits

In 2020, the Southern African Development Community adopted the Guidelines on the Portability of Social Security Benefits, through a tripartite process to help SADC countries adopt policies and regulations so that workers in SADC countries can accumulate and access social security benefits across different countries in the region.

Anonymous (not verified)

Toolkit for the sustainable reintegration of return migrants in rural areas

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This toolkit aims to support local stakeholders and actors in agrifood systems to integrate rural returnees into programmes and other initiatives to develop the agrifood sector. It provides resources to design and implement programmes and projects to facilitate the reintegration of returnees in rural areas. The ultimate objective is to coordinate these reintegration efforts with larger rural development and rural transformation efforts and stimulate mutually reinforcing outcomes that support the achievement of sustainable livelihoods and well-being for local populations.

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)

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The Project is conceived in response to various facets of labour migration, fair and ethical recruitment and sustainable reintegration, gaps and challenges relating to safe, orderly and regular labour migration and improved skills recognition, in the corridors between South and South-East Asia and the Middle East. The project is designed on the first phase of the SDC supported regional project, ìStrengthening Labour Migration Governance through Regional Cooperation in Colombo Process Countriesî.

Skills Passports

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Sri Lanka has implemented a ìskills passportî, a portfolio that documents the skills and qualifications acquired informally by returnee migrant workers or workers in Sri Lanka. This platform allows skills matching by enabling upward employability and facilitating
the recruitment of individuals for jobs that require specific skills, filling the gaps in local and overseas labour markets (TVEC and EFC, n.d.).

Guidelines on labour market reintegration upon return in origin countries

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The process of reintegration into the labour market is complex and dynamic, requiring labour market opportunities, infrastructure, enabling policies, financial and non -financial services, access to assets, education, and healthcare. These guidelines target ILO constituents, development practitioners and other other stakeholders, to provide support and policy in indications for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effective labour market reintegration policies and measures, targeting return migrant workers and former refugees, upon return in their origin countries.

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