The National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Competencies (ANAPEC)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Competencies (L'Agence Nationale de Promotion de l'Emploi et des Compétences - ANAPEC) is a public service company that supports employers to achieve their recruitment goals and job seekers looking into entering the labour market. It is an active intermediary in the labour market.

The International Forum of Moroccan Competencies Abroad (FINCOME - Forum International des Compétences Marocaines Résidant à l’Étranger)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The International Forum of Moroccan Competencies Abroad (Forum International des Compétences Marocaines Résidant à l’Étranger) was set up in 2007 to mobilize the skills and investments of Moroccans abroad to support development projects under the national economic and social plan. Based on a public-private partnership around business, science and research interests, it involves the diaspora in its planning. Their expertise offers a more cost effective alternative to expensive foreign experts working on development schemes in Morocco.

Pre-Arrival Japanese-Language Training (Japan, Indonesia and The Philippines)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Under the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Indonesia and the Philippines, Japan started to accept Indonesian candidates in the field of nursing and nursing care on an annual basis in fiscal 2008 and Filipino counterparts in fiscal 2009.
The agreements required such overseas candidates to undergo six-month Japanese-language training (except for those candidates already possessing a certain level of proficiency in the language).

Greek Diaspora ID Card

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, through its General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad has established a special ID card for its Diaspora, including the right to reside in Greece together with special benefits and facilitating repatriation to Greece. It also includes favourable housing loans, and special training and language courses.

Bilateral Labour Agreements

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Greek Government has bilateral labor agreements with Egypt, Bulgaria and Albania, mostly for seasonal workers, anbd believes that by establishing legal channels for migration, the agreements enhance inter-governmental cooperation at economic, social and cultural levels. 

Overseas Citizenship of India Scheme (OCI)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In response to persistent demands for "dual citizenship" particularly from the Diaspora in North America and other developed countries and keeping in view the Government's deep commitment towards fulfilling the aspirations and expectations of Overseas Indians, the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Scheme was introduced by amending the Citizenship Act, 1955 in August 2005. The Scheme was launched during the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas convention 2006 at Hyderabad.

Co-development through French Youth Associations

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The French Co-development program introduces the idea of “supporting initiatives by young people of immigrant origin”, a policy that enables youth associations of immigrant descent and youth associations in the parents’ countries of origin to be co-financed for socio-cultural activities that are deployed on both territories.

These projects should foster citizenship and socio-economic integration in France, and contribute to development initiatives in the regions of departure.

MiDA Ghana

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The overall objective of MIDA (Migration for Development in Africa) is to assist African governments to achieve their development goals through the creation and strengthening of sustainable links between migrants and their countries of origin.

MIDA focuses on the circulation of competencies, expertise and experience of the Diasporas, without jeopardizing their legal status in their host countries or newly adopted home countries.

The Economic Initiatives and Migration Programme (Programme Migrations et Initiatives Economiques)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Economic Initiatives and Migration Programme, or Programme Migrations et Initiatives Economiques (PMIE) in French, aims to facilitate the implementation of economic projects by migrants both in their country of origin and in France.

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