Launch by the Arab Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) of a project aimed at supporting and empowering migrant workers from Asian countries based in Jordan

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Arab Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) provides information and assistance, capacity building and services to support migrant workers in the region access decent work conditions, working hours, healthcare, justice, equal pay and gender equality. 

The MRC in 2018 launched a project aimed at supporting and empowering a total of 230,000 migrant workers from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Indonesia based in Jordan. 

The European Trade Union Confederation’s (ETUC) Union MigrantNet

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The UnionMigrantNet is a European network of contact points providing services to migrants established, managed and supported by trade unions. It is promoted by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

The main goal of the network is to support fair labour mobility and migration. The services provided by the UnionMigrantNet contact points are aimed at promoting the collective and individual interests and rights of migrants regardless of their status.

In particular, the specific aims of the network are to: 

Shaping development-oriented migration (MEG)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Global Programme “Shaping development-oriented migration” (MEG) assists partner countries in leveraging the benefits of regular migration and engaging diaspora for sustainable development.

Working on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the MEG is active in up to 15 partner countries around the globe. It contributes towards implementing the GCM and is part of a comprehensive approach to migration and development. The MEG contributes to the following objectives: 

Migrant Rights Database

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Migrants Rights Database is a rigorous empirical account of laws protecting the human rights of all migrants and the cross-national implementation that helps them flourish. Representing seven years of work by some 100 lawyers, the resource charts sixty-five indicators with citation to law in thirty-six countries hosting seventy percent of the world’s migrants, and it will soon be expanded to include forty-five country cases. 

Stake in the Nation Forum

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

As part of the Migration and Sustainable Development in the Gambia Project (MSDG), on 23 September 2017, the President of The Gambia declared that a Stake in the Nation Forum (SNF) will be held annually in The Gambia. 

The Emigrant Support Programme

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Emigrant Support Programme is a tangible expression of the Irish Government's support of, commitment to, and interest in the global Irish community. It aims to strengthen the international Irish community and its bond with Ireland. Through this programme the Government wants to fund projects that will have a clear and identifiable impact on supporting and building global Irish communities.

The Government, through the Emigrant Support Programme, is committed to prioritising the following:

The Global Diaspora Summit (GDS) and the Dublin Declaration

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In 2022, IOM as the lead international agency working on issues related to human mobility and as Coordinator of the UN Network on Migration (UNMN), co-hosted the first Global Diaspora Summit (GDS), in partnership with the Government of Ireland and other lead participating states. The Summit assisted States and partners in taking stock of achievements vis-à-vis Objective 19 as a contribution towards the quadrennial International Migration Review Forum.

I Yeke Oko Project

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Funded by AFD, the I Yeke Oko ("We are together" project aims to promote peace between populations and territorial cohesion in Cameroon and the Central African Republic, by helping to strengthen local governance, consolidate social ties and boost the rural economy. The I Yéké Oko project is aimed at the balanced and sustainable development of territories affected by the displacement of populations resulting from the Central African conflict in the Central African Republic and Cameroon. 

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