Joint UN Initiative on Migration and Health in Asia (JUNIMA) - Gathering of networks of member states, international organizations and stakeholders to contribute to the implementation of GCM and respect of GCM principles

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

As a model whereby member states, international organizations and stakeholders can come together for the shared vision for promotion of health of migrants, conditions that ensure decent work, as well as reduce vulnerabilities in migration, the Joint UN Initiative on Migration and Health in Asia (JUNIMA) ensures effective regional coordination to advocate for access to health for migrants in Asia.

Incorporate the health needs of migrants in national and local health care policies and plans, towards ensuring access to basic services - Sri Lanka

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Sri Lanka has established an inter-ministerial and inter-agency coordination framework for migration health and development comprised of a National Steering Committee on Migration Health (inter-ministerial), a National Migration Health Task Force (inter-agency and inter-ministerial) and a Migration Health Secretariat. The Secretariat coordinates the national migration health agenda housed within the Ministry of Health and supported by IOM.

Incorporate the health needs of migrants in national and local health care policies and plans, towards ensuring access to basic services

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Chilean Ministry of Health’s “Sectoral Health Advisory Team for Immigrants”  developed the Health Policy for International Migrants launched in 2017 which now constitutes the national framework for actions focused on migrant’s healthcare.

The health policy promotes the right to health for all persons in the nation’s territory (including citizens and foreign nationals), a system that is migrant-sensitive, and the lowering of health service access barriers.

Harmonisation of labour practices within the ECOWAS sub region

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The promotion of employment, improvement of labour market and mobility of skills in ECOWAS region fall within the framework of the implementation of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons in its three stages - entry, residence, and establishment - the details of which are set out in four additional protocols.

Language and integration classes

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Mastering Darija, the Moroccan spoken language, is an important part for the linguistic, cultural and professional integration of migrants. Many immigrants do not master Moroccan local languages, which is a real challenge for their socio-cultural and professional integration. Therefore, the project aims at developing a new method of learning Darija for non-Arabic speaking migrants and refugees.

Ta3ayoche (Living Together)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The project aims at strengthening the role of civil society in promoting the rights of migrants, especially through dialogue with local public institutions. Beneficiaries are migrants, refugees, Moroccan returnees and the local population.

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