Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

FUNZI  is a joint initiative by a start up and the government of Finland to carve a map of the places where refugees are arriving in Finland and to provide them all the information they need on the country. In 2015, they launched a mobile information and learning service for asylum seekers and refugees.  The information for the newcomers on the country is in several languages. 

World Korean Business Convention

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Since 2002, South Korea organises the World Korean Business Convention from time to time that relies on connectivity for migrants abroad. The Purpose is to rely on diaspora to foster trade and promote Korean export, by building an integrated global network of domestic and overseas Korean businesses

Unified contract for migrant garment workers

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A unified, standardized contract for all migrant workers in Jordan’s garment sector was developed in 2015 and agreed upon by two apparel employer associations and Jordan’s garment union. The contract is helping to end the practice of contract substitution. Also, the contract gives migrant workers a clearer understanding of their working conditions and offers a certain amount of salary irrespective of nationality.

Innovative and tailored banking

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The Indian ICICI Bank offers hybrid solutions with remittance kiosks and ATMs in migrant areas and dormitories. Kiosks in Singapore and Bahrain can be used to transfer funds to India on the same day. ICICI sees mobile banking as a powerful medium for further financial inclusion.

World Employment Confederation (formerly CIETT)

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In 2006 CIETT endorsed its Code of Conduct of the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies. The Code of Conduct was revised in 2015 to align even more closely with efforts on fair recruitment at the international level and is a reflection of the organizations endorsement of the ILO's Convention No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies.

Encouraging savings and investments, Bangladesh

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The Bangladesh Bank, national commercial banks, and public commercial banks have created a number of investment products aimed specifically at migrants and their families. These products include bonds, deposit pension schemes (DPS), fixed deposits, savings accounts, investment loans, and investments in capital markets through, for instance, the Non-Resident Investor’s Taka Account (NITA).

Agreements between the Philippines and the Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Colombia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan to implement Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

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The agreements established a clearly defined recruitment process which must be followed by all parties, including by private recruitment agencies (PRAs). They specify that the Canadian employers should first inform their domestic Employment and Immigration Departments about the availability of jobs and seek permission to recruit. If the permission is granted, the Departments then relays the information to the Philippines Department of Labour and Employment which in turn alerts licensed PRAs in the Philippines to the recruitment opportunities.

CTRS – Communauté Tunisienne Résidente en Suisse pour le développement (Community of Tunisian Residents in Switzerland for development)

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The CTRS project is an initiative of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Tunisia. The project interventions focus on cooperation with the Tunisian Government in line with its efforts in strengthening Tunisia’s links with its diaspora and to promoting the diaspora’s engagement in Tunisia’s national and local development.

The project aims at acknowledging the competences and skills of Tunisians living in Switzerland with view to strengthening their contribution to the socio-economic development of Tunisia in four areas:

SECO Start-up Fund

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The SECO Start-up Fund is a risk capital vehicle launched in 1997 by the Swiss Goverment. The Fund is fully owned by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and is an instrument of SECO’s Economic Cooperation and Development Division. The Fund is managed by FinanceContact Ltd., a Zürich-based private management company.


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TawiPay ( is a pilot money transfer project that started in 2015. Its main goal is to increase transparency in remittance channels. The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) financed the establishment of the two remittance channels, Switzerland–Serbia and Switzerland–Bosnia. The project’s objective is to enable migrants/diaspora communities to reduce the cost of sending money to their home countries.

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