Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Communities Project (LIUPCP)

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees

As many rural landless poor continue to move to the cities to escape the effects of climate change, in search of jobs and economic opportunities. The LIUPCP will addressing the issues through community empowerment, skills, livelihood and small scale infrastructure to tackle the urban poverty. The project aims to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable growth by reducing urban poverty.

EUDiF’s diaspora engagement mapping

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The global mapping of diaspora engagement was created by the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), a project funded by the European Union’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The map is a unique resource for knowledge about diaspora engagement policies, practices, and priorities around the world, as well as the government institutions and diaspora organizations active in this dynamic space. It is a resource envisioned to assist the entire diaspora development ecosystem.

Diaspora investment in sustainable rural youth entrepreneurship in Mali

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Through its Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), IFAD is working to mobilize Malian migrant investment to encourage economic development entrepreneurism and employment in Mali, and to stimulate the economic inclusion of young Malians and offer them an alternative to migration, particularly in rural areas.

UK Safety, Support and Solutions Phase II

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The UK Safety, Support and Solutions programme aims to protect migrants from harm. Migrant journeys, particularly via the Central Mediterranean Route, are extremely perilous, with migrants facing risks of violence, exploitation and abuse. This programme provides critical humanitarian and protection support to migrants at key junctures along the route. Assistance is offered to migrants in transit and upon return, with a particular focus on victims of trafficking, unaccompanied children, and migrants in very vulnerable situations.

Sin Palabras

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Sin Palabras is a multicultural Artist Collective gathered since 2013, dedicated to give theater and art workshops of introspection and self discovery to vulnerable communities in different countries. They seek results that are tangible evidence of the participants experiences and that they can be shared to create awareness before the ears that do not want to hear. Sin Palabras aspires to be a catalyst for the psychosocial development of those who take the workshop.

Mi casa fuera de casa

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The "Mi casa fuera de casa" Project is an initiative of the organization Diálogo Diverso in Ecuador, supported by the Canadian Embassy, which began in November 2018 and seeks to benefit LGBTI people from Venezuela residing in Ecuador.

Migration Policy Advice in Niger

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Implemented on behalf of BMZ, the programme offers advice to government and civil society partners with the objective of reaching a coordinated and holistic migration policy, improving networking among multiple actors, and strengthening cooperation between political entities. The inclusion of civil society in the process contributes to checks and balances in Niger's fragile democratic system and reduces the risk of conflict. To this end, the project has supported an initiative of the local NGO "Youth-childhood-migration-development" to create a civil society network on migration.

Humanitarian Service Points

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Red Cross and Red Crescent Humanitarian Service Points (HSPs) save lives and reduce suffering along migratory routes by helping ensure that all vulnerable migrants, irrespective of legal status, can access critical humanitarian assistance.

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