Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development (M4SD) – IOM-UNDP joint global programme

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The M4SD Programme (2019-2023) aimed to harness the development benefits and reduce the negative effects of migration for host and home communities, migrants, and their family members. A key component of this Programme was to showcase how inclusive policies can be implemented locally and how the results contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

EU Commission working document Addressing displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This Staff Working Document provides an overview and assessment of existing EU policies, instruments and practices addressing displacement and migration of populations caused by disasters , the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. This document underlines the increased exposure to disasters and the consequences of the current state of management of natural resources and weakened ecosystems.

African Union Guidelines on Developing Bilateral labour Agreements

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

A key concern requiring attention by the African Union and a common approach across the AU membership is promoting rights-based bilateral labour agreements (BLAs) and other bilateral labour migration arrangements (BLMAs) that ensure protection and decent work for all Africans. The AU  developed guidelines that will assist the Member States and the RECs in concluding appropriate

Guidance on Bilateral labour migration agreements

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

It contains practical guidance grounded in international labour and human rights standards and drawing from real examples around the world. It shows how social dialogue benefits the development, implementation and monitoring of these agreements, and can be used as a basis for training and preparing for negotiation of bilateral labour migration agreements.

Promising Practices in the Provision Of Essential Services to Migrants

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The document provides practical examples on how migrants are included in the provision of services in the field of health, housing, ducation, vocational training, and basic public services such as water and sanitation. A dedicated section of the report, also includes examples of multi-sector migrant services in the context of the pandemic of COVID-19.

Promoting the health of refugees and migrants: experiences from around the world

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This publication is a compendium of 49 country examples highlighting efforts in improving refugeesí and migrantsí health following the adoption of the WHO Global Action Plan on Promoting the health of refugees and migrants at the seventy-second World Health Assembly, in May 2019.

Extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In response to increasing concern for migrant workersí social protection rights, this Guide seeks to provide policymakers and practitioners with an overview of the legal framework and policy options relating to migrantsí and refugeesí access to social protection.
It also offers practical guidance based on country and regional practices that may inspire countries when engaging in legal reforms, negotiating social security agreements and designing social protection schemes.

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