Women as Financially Independent Rural Actors (WAFIRA)

Submitted by Marie Parma on

It is an initiative that seeks to maximise the development impact of circular migration and mobility between Morocco and Spain – through the sustainable socio-economic reintegration of female Moroccan seasonal workers participating in a circular migration scheme between Morocco and Spain (entitled GECCO). WAFIRA will provide them with the necessary skills and financial means to launch their own income generating activities (IGAs) and/or cooperatives upon return to their rural communities of origin in Morocco.

Australia Pacific Technical College

Submitted by Marie Parma on

The Australia Pacific Technical College is a development-cooperation funded vocational training programme operating in Pacific countries. More than 17 000 have graduated from the programme since its inception in 2007, with 83 percent successfully employed. The programme was not designed specifically to promote emigration, but to build skills in islands where local skill basins were insufficient and skilled workers were deployed from developed countries.

Porsche Training and Recruitment Center

Submitted by Marie Parma on

Porsche is involved in training auto mechanics for its worldwide network. In a project, 

it supports the identification of underprivileged Filipino youth with basic English. language skills for a two-step training and selection programme. The first phase is ten 

months basic vocational training, offered through the existing mechanic training at 

Don Bosco Technical Institute in Manila, to which Porsche has contributed equipment 

and curriculum. Of these, about 40 top graduates annually are selected to participate 

Hand in Hand for International Talents

Submitted by Marie Parma on

Hand and in Hand for International Talents brings companies and international qualified professionals together. It is running for interested companies in the pilot regions of Rostock, Reutlingen, Lübeck, Düsseldorf and Erfurt. The Employment Agency supports SMEs with the selection of suitable candidates, the matching process, initiation and support throughout the professional recognition procedure, arrangement of German courses (up to language Level B1 before arrival in Germany, up to Level B2 after arrival) and assistance with visa and entry.


Submitted by Marie Parma on

Strengthening the Partnership between Belgium and Georgia through Temporary Mobility of Entrepreneurs"" (EMLINK) is a project aimed at strenghtening bilateral cooperation by designing a pilot temporary mobility scheme for outstanding entrepreneurs. Implemented by ICMPD on behalf of Belgium, this project aims to strengthen Georgian start-ups’ potential to develop and assist skill and talent retention and will produce a course curriculum based on the results of a mapping and sectoral analysis report.

Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Since the first General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in 2006, states have explored, through the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) process, collaborative approaches to enhancing the benefits and curbing the negative impacts of migration for development.  The discussions and issues addressed at the GFMD have considerably evolved since it was first convened in 2007.


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

A skills profiling tool that can support skills mapping initiatives. This project aimed at facilitating better integration of Syrian refugees resettled to the UK, Germany, Portugal, and Romania. The project involved pre-departure skill profiling, post-arrival integration support and information sharing with host communities to support mutual learning and exchange.

Remittance Community Task Force

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

IFAD launched the ‘Remittance Community Task Force’ with public and private stakeholders to come up with immediate measures to address the impact of COVID on remittances and in response to the call by the UN Secretary-General for global solidarity within the COVID-19 pandemic. This task force contributed to the discussion within the Financing for Development Process recently launched by the Prime Ministers of Canada and of Jamaica.

IOM Somalia Supports New ‘Telemedicine’ Enhancement for Migrants and Host Communities

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In countries of origin, innovative ways of transnational engagement proved to be efficient to face the health crisis, In Somalia, for instance, health professionals from the diaspora have provided technical support to hospitals in their communities of origin. This new project unveiled by the IOM  in Somalia is part of a continuing effort to address this health care delivery shortage. It uses video cameras, screens, personal computers and digital mobile devices such as tablets to enhance diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Subscribe to Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries