Legal Support for Migrant Workers

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In Lebanon, civil society organisations have taken active steps to provide legal assistance and representation in courts and through informal dispute-resolution mechanisms to obtain justice in cases of violations. They have been actively engaged in the provision of legal aid to migrant domestic workers and capacity-building and awareness-rising activities have targeted judges, lawyers and those responsible for implementing the law, the number of legal decisions in favour of migrant domestic workers has multiplied over the last few years.

South Asian Workers Center of DRUM New York City

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Established in 2000, DRUM aims to build the power of South Asian low wage immigrant workers, youth, and families in New York City to win economic and educational justice, and civil and immigrant rights. One of DRUM's main programs,  the South Asian Workers Center,  seeks to build the leadership of and organizes low-wage workers in service industries, particularly immigrant women retail workers.

Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families - ILO

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The Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families seeks to promote the human and labour rights of migrant domestic workers worldwide by addressing the challenges that make migrant domestic workers particularly vulnerable to the risks of exploitation and abuse.

Memorandum of Understanding between Trade Unions on migrant workers' rights

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The Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (K-SBSI) and the Trade Union Congress of Malaysia (MTUC) concluded an Memorandum of Understanding in 2009 with the aim of jointly developing a system of protection of the rights of migrant workers in Malaysia.  Under the agreement, the K-SBSI and MTUC established information centres for migrant workers in Indonesia and Malaysia and conducted joint activities for the protection of migrant workers. 

Tri-national workers' declaration on promoting labour and human rights of Migrant Domestic Workers

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The declaration commits signatories to support and strengthen the capacity of national unions for domestic and migrant domestic workers and lobby the three governments to continue to implement their decent work country programmes incorporating the rights of migrant workers. A communication strategy was agreed upon in order to create a platform for the trade union organisations from the three countries to exchange information and share experiences relating to activities executed on the national level. 

Bi-national workers' agreement on promoting decent work for Migrant Domestic Workers

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The agreement concluded in September 2014 aims to support the continuation of joint activities of trade unions and domestic workers' organisations from both countries as well as to strengthen organisations in Paraguay and their relations with regional and international unions. According to the Action Plan, an online Union Network will be established and a communication strategy using social networks will be developed in order to promote the knowledge and exercise the rights of domestic workers and migrants in Argentina and Paraguay.

Ministerial Regulations on Standards for Private Recruitment Agencies

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In 2013, the Cambodian Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training launched 8 prakas (ministerial orders) on standards for Private Recruitment Agencies (PRAs), their on-site service and repatriation processes, recruitment processes and pre-departure orientation training, the use of service contracts, inspection and ranking of PRAs, a process by which migrant workers can lodge complaints, and penalties and rewards for PRAs.

Chèque Service - Canton of Geneva

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In order to promote formalization and tackle irregularity and informality of domestic migrants' status and employment, the Swiss canton of Geneva has adopted a voucher system that can be used by employers to regularly hire domestic workers, particularly women migrant workers, and provide them with social security coverage, even if they are in an irregular migration situation.

Wages Protection System (WPS)

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Wages Protection System (WPS) is an electronic salary transfer system that allows companies / institutions to pa y workers wages via banks, bur eaux de change, and financial institutions approved and authorized to provide the service.

The system, developed by the Central Bank of the UAE, allows the Ministry of Labour to create a database that records wage payments in the private sector to guarantee the timely and full payment of agreed-upon wages.

Recognized Seasonal Employers' Scheme (RSE)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In 2006, New Zealand introduced the Recognized Seasonal Employers Scheme (RSE) to fill labour shortages in the horticulture and viticulture industries. Under this scheme, employers can apply for RSE status to fill vacant positions. Priority is given to migrants coming from the Pacific, with the idea of encouraging a mutually beneficial relationship where employers have access to a secure labour supply and workers gain entrance into the New Zealand labour market.

Subscribe to Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work