Extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families

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In response to increasing concern for migrant workersí social protection rights, this Guide seeks to provide policymakers and practitioners with an overview of the legal framework and policy options relating to migrantsí and refugeesí access to social protection.
It also offers practical guidance based on country and regional practices that may inspire countries when engaging in legal reforms, negotiating social security agreements and designing social protection schemes.

An employerís guide to fair recruitment

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This guide explores the steps of a fair recruitment process, identifies good practices that a company of any size can take to ensure a good recruitment decision and looks at the pitfalls that can frustrate that outcome being realized

The Guide also acts as a resource for Employer and Business Membership Organisations (EMBOs) in helping to upskill recruitment practices amongst their members, improving productivity outcomes and helping avoid adverse harm to people in line with the expectations of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. I

Bilateral Labor Agreements between the Philippines and Germany

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The governments of the Republic of the Philippines and the Federal Republic of Germany signed two new labor agreements to enhance partnerships for the deployment of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in the healthcare industry and other professional services.

It ensures equality of treatment and social protection for migrant workers. The BLA also applies social dialogue by ensuring that inclusion of trade unions from both the countries of origin and destination (PSLINK/Philippines and Ver.di/Germany) in the oversight committee.

Global Media Competition on Labour Migration

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Since 2015, the International Labour Organization and its partners have organized an annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment.

Recognizing and promoting ethical and quality reporting is increasingly significant, as media can promote a toxic public narrative reinforcing prejudice, intolerance and stigmatization against migrant workers and their families.

The Global Media Competition contributes to support the production of quality reporting and raising awareness about labour migration.

The FAIRWAY Programme

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The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

Musaned system

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Established in 2015, Saudi Arabiaís Musaned is the online digital recruitment platform for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. Overseen by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MoHRSD), Musaned has provided the MoHRSD with a wide range of data and tools to enhance their monitoring capabilities over the employment of migrant domestic workers.

Musaned was established, in part, to address issues faced by migrant domestic workers, including unethical or illegal recruitment and employment practices in Saudi Arabia

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)

The Project is conceived in response to various facets of labour migration, fair and ethical recruitment and sustainable reintegration, gaps and challenges relating to safe, orderly and regular labour migration and improved skills recognition, in the corridors between South and South-East Asia and the Middle East. The project is designed on the first phase of the SDC supported regional project, ìStrengthening Labour Migration Governance through Regional Cooperation in Colombo Process Countriesî.

Anonymous (not verified)
Subscribe to Objective 6: Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work