Migrant Rights Database

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Migrants Rights Database is a rigorous empirical account of laws protecting the human rights of all migrants and the cross-national implementation that helps them flourish. Representing seven years of work by some 100 lawyers, the resource charts sixty-five indicators with citation to law in thirty-six countries hosting seventy percent of the world’s migrants, and it will soon be expanded to include forty-five country cases. 


Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The O-REMIT project by the International Organization for Migration uses data from various sources to analyze transaction costs and aim for a threshold below 3%. This provides insights on cost-efficient remittance options and help the diaspora in Belgium make meaningful investments in their home country.

Three streams will be implemented:

Stream 1: Understand the remittance flows and behaviour of diaspora in Belgium.

Rapport d'Expertise "Les Diasporas, Actrices du Changement. La place des nouvelles générations et des femmes"

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

France has adopted a Migration and Development Action Plan for the period 2018-2022, which recognises the role of diasporas in France and undertakes to support initiatives aimed at developing cooperation and solidarity between territories of origin and destination.
While the numerous studies on the financial transfers of migrants to Southern countries and the dynamism of diasporas in Northern countries confirm the importance of these issues, they still need to be better documented with regard to young people and women.

Youth Leadership and Innovation Award

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration (YLIA) is a global contest empowering young leaders to drive innovative solutions for migration challenges. The inaugural Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration organised as part of youth engagement in the 2021 Global Forum for Migration and Development Summit, awarded cash prizes totaling $33,000 to three winning youth initiatives. These were chosen from nine finalists by a high-level jury during a pitching and awards ceremony during the GFMD summit itself.

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