Thursday, 22 February 2024

The 14th Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development that took place in Geneva on 23-25 January 2024 brought together over 1300 delegates from 123 governments and 49 GFMD observers, including international organisations, regional consultative processes, international financial institutions, as well as representatives from civil society, the private sector, cities and youth.

Following  19-months of consultations, the Forum culminated in three days of constructive dialogue focused on  contemporary  migration debates, with a focus on six topical policy areas:

  1. The impact of climate change on human mobility;
  2. Rights and migration;
  3. The role of diasporas for social, cultural and economic development;
  4. Labour migration;
  5. Culture and narratives on migration;
  6. The  importance of a multi-level governance approach to tackle migration challenges.

The Summit discussions highlighted the important contribution of migration to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. In his remarks, Mr Guilhou, Global Affairs Director at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs stated: “Human mobility can meet the needs of labor markets, climate action and rebalance diverging demographics across regions of the world, making it possible to nurture cultural diversity, contributing to countries of origin and destination.”

One of the most significant moments of the Summit was the passing of the baton from France to Colombia as GFMD Chair for 2024-2025. Colombia will officially assume the role of Chair of the GFMD on 1st April 2024.

Colombia has already begun laying the foundations for its work to define the priorities of the Chair’s programme in consultation with a multiplicity of stakeholders. Colombia will prioritize gender equality and women's rights in migration in line with its Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP), which promotes gender equality, women's empowerment and political participation of women, as well as the respect for their human rights.

Watch the speech of H.E. Mr. Gustavo Gallón Giraldo, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the UN in Geneva, at the Closing Ceremony