
Prepared with support from the Sasakawa Endowment Fund, the Migration Profile of Argentina is part of a series of country profiles, namely of Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, produced and published in Latin America. The series aims to bridge the information gap and thereby contribute to enhanced policy making and improved management of migration issues in the region.


The Migration Profiles in South-Eastern Europe were created partly in reaction to the EU Council Conclusions of June 2007 on Extending and Enhancing the Global Approach to Migration, based on the Commission Communications of May 2007 on applying the Global Approach to migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern regions neighbouring the European Union and on circular migration and mobility partnerships, which particularly calls for drawing up country-specific migration profiles.


“Migration in Albania: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Migration from Albania is one of the most pervasive socio-economic phenomena affecting the country. Since 1990, it is estimated that a quarter of the population has left the country.

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