Cape Verde

Although Cape Verde has a great emigration tradition, immigration to Cape Verde has increased in recent decades. The latest data indicate that the immigrant population has risen by around 20 per cent from 8,931 in 1991 to reach 12,305 in 2010. The majority of immigrants in Cape Verde come from the Portuguese-speaking African Countries and from Portugal.


Au Cameroun, les flux migratoires actuels se traduisent, d'une part, par un mouvement général des campagnes vers les villes et, d'autre part, par une tendance à l'émigration vers l'Europe, en particulier vers la France.


“Migration in Bulgaria: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Migration from Bulgaria was mainly ethnically driven in the aftermath of the collapse of the socialist regime and concerned Bulgarian Turks. Between 1992 and 2001 approximately 196,000 Bulgarians emigrated, on economic grounds, while 19,000 returned to Bulgaria.


This Migration Profile of Brazil belongs to the series of the first four South American profiles produced by IOM´s Research Unit, in coordination with IOM offices in the region. The preparation of the Profile was possible thanks to the close collaboration with Brazilian government agencies involved with migration management.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Migration Profiles in South-Eastern Europe were created partly in reaction to the EU Council Conclusions of June 2007 on Extending and Enhancing the Global Approach to Migration, based on the Commission Communications of May 2007 on applying the Global Approach to migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern regions neighbouring the European Union and on circular migration and mobility partnerships, which particularly calls for drawing up country-specific migration profiles.


Históricamente, Bolivia es un país con saldo migratorio negativo. Factores estructurales inciden en los bajos niveles de desarrollo humano de la población, explicando este carácter emigratorio del país. En la actualidad, más de 700 mil bolivianos residen en el exterior, representando un 6,8% de la población total.


L'émigration est un fait important de la vie béninoise. Elle est principalement dirigée vers d’autres pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest tels que le Nigéria, la Côte d’Ivoire et le Sénégal. En Europe, la France constitue incontestablement la destination privilégiée. Un nombre important d’émigrants béninois sont hautement qualifiés. Les transferts de fonds de ces travailleurs migrants constituent une source importante des revenus des ménages bénéficiaires et sont généralement destinés à la satisfaction de leur besoin de consommation courante.


“Migration in the Republic of Azerbaijan: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. It reveals that unstable socioeconomic conditions as well as various conflicts in the region have acted as emigration push factors in the postindependence period (1991 to 1996). However, the economic revival of the country has created favorable conditions for the reverse of migration flows, mainly driven by a vibrant energy sector.


“Migration in Armenia: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Armenia is an origin country for emigrants with over 800,000 citizens or more than one quarter of the total population abroad, mainly in the Russian Federation and to a lesser extent to other European countries and to the US. Armenian migrants look for seasonal work in Russia, permanent residence in the US, and seek refuge in Europe.


El Perfil Migratorio de Argentina 2012 es un documento actualizado del realizado en 2008. Recogiendo los aspectos históricos de las migraciones en el país, describe las principales características de los flujos migratorios más recientes, a partir del análisis de datos del último censo de población (2010), de los registros administrativos y de las normas y medidas migratorias que fundan la actual política migratoria en el país.

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