
L'augmentation du chômage et les conditions économiques difficiles sont les principaux facteurs de l'émigration au Mali. En raison de sa situation géographique, le Mali est également un pays de transit.

Les conséquences de l'émigration malienne sont à la fois négatives avec la fuite des cerveaux et positives avec les transferts de fonds envoyés en direction des ménages et des investissements productifs. Les retombées positives de la migration malienne sont optimisées à travers des programmes de développements qui favorisent les transferts des compétences des migrants qualifiés.


The types of migration included in the profile are: immigration of foreign-born nationals and return of Jamaican nationals, emigration; the international outward and inward movement of students, visitors, refugees and asylum-seekers, and irregular migrants. The period under review is 2000–2010.

Greece GFMD 2009

“Migration in Greece: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Greece has traditionally been a sending country in terms of emigration, especially after the Second World War However, in recent years it has become a destination for immigrants. By 2005, the number of immigrants has quadrupled since 1990, making Greece the country with the highest proportional increase in immigration in the EU.


Ghanaian migration has increasingly become extra-regional. Although the majority of Ghanaian emigrants still stay within West Africa, a growing proportion is migrating to a diverse range of countries outside the region. According to 2008 estimates, Ghanaian migrants can be found in more than 33 countries around the world. While any Ghanaians leave for more far-reaching destinations, many of them also return either temporarily or permanently to Ghana.


El Perfil Migratorio del Ecuador fue elaborado en el año 2008 por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM Misión Ecuador). El trabajo que se presenta a continuación es una actualización del Perfil Migratorio original del 2008. Este documento tiene la finalidad de reunir información relevante sobre políticas migratorias, instituciones públicas y privadas, actores, marco de protección, situación general de la población y otros aspectos que configuren un panorama que permita comprender la situación actual de la movilidad humana en Ecuador.


The Migration Profile of Ecuador (MPE) is the first of three Migration Profiles, namely of Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, produced and published in the Latin American region. It is an update of the first version prepared by IOM Quito in July 2006. Prepared by IOM’s Ecuador Mission in coordination with IOM Geneva’s Research and Publication units and with support from the Sasakawa Endowment Fund, the MPE offers a thorough understanding of the current status of human mobility in Ecuador.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

L'émigration est un fait important de la vie congolaise La situation économique, la guerre et la mauvaise gouvernance sont les principaux facteurs des tendances migratoires que connaît la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) depuis 2000, générant une forte mobilité interne et internationale. Les transferts de fonds des migrants constituent une source importante des revenus des ménages bénéficiaires (80% des ménages dans les grandes villes), et sont généralement utilisés pour subvenir à leurs besoins directs.


The Migration Profiles in South-Eastern Europe were created partly in reaction to the EU Council Conclusions of June 2007 on Extending and Enhancing the Global Approach to Migration, based on the Commission Communications of May 2007 on applying the Global Approach to migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern regions neighbouring the European Union and on circular migration and mobility partnerships, which particularly calls for drawing up country-specific migration profiles.

Côte d’Ivoire

Depuis son indépendance, la Côte d'Ivoire est un des principaux pays d'immigration d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Toutefois, la crise politique de 2002 a engendré un ralentissement de l'immigration et un accroissement de l'émigration. Les émigrés ivoiriens sont principalement des émigrés permanents et, malgré la faiblesse relative de l'émigration ivoirienne, la Côte d'Ivoire est également victime de la fuite des cerveaux, notamment dans le secteur médical.


The Colombia Migration Profile illustrates the current status of migration in this country. Colombia is a multicultural country with a projected population for 2010 of 45,508,208 inhabitants, of which 49.37 per cent are male and 50.63 per cent are female. In Colombia, migration flows from the dynamic of a society that transforms itself according to context, economic fluctuations and the variable conditions that characterize Latin American countries. Colombia is considered one of the countries with the most migration in the region. Data on emigration comes from the 2005 Census.

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